Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Under respect and responsibility, sexual immorality is one of the most widely discussed topics. In the workplace, virtue ethics are considered one of the most important classifications of ethics. Virtue ethics dictate that employees and colleagues are supposed to treat each responsibly and with respect, especially with regard to gender. Cases of sexual misconduct are treated very seriously since they directly affect the corporate social responsibility of an organization. Statistically, nine out of every ten reported cases of sexual misconduct in the workplace end up with the firing of the offender. Judging from the series of events, it seemed like media houses were in a tango to prove a point, with regard to ethical and moral conduct in the workplace. Chaggaris had not been fired without prior warnings.

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Two weeks before he was fired, some accounts of harassment had been pressed against him, and on further investigation, the decision to fire him had been made. To the company, this was both a piece of good news and bad news. As good news, the firing showed that the company cared for the welfare of other junior employees, not just the senior employees. Any organization or company that is active in business does not only have an economic responsibility, but also a social responsibility to its targeted markets (Aguinis & Glavas 2012). The underlying concept of corporate social responsibility is often referred to as the core of business ethics, the other important responsibility of a business besides providing goods and services and making profits.

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Arguably, the primary goal of corporate social responsibility is to accomplish long-term objectives in the public interest (Aguinis & Glavas 2012). Corporate social responsibility is a blend of organizational objectives and responsibilities to develop and protect the communities in which the organization operates from, and its general markets. Ideally, corporate social responsibility does not only refer to the philanthropic aspect of a business organization. The public had been fed with information and evidence to suggest that indeed, the director was guilty of the pressed charges. Feminist organizations were already silently waiting to attack the company if Chaggaris was not fired. This, therefore, means that more than upholding virtue ethics and promoting corporate responsibility was at stake. Some critics viewed the move by CBS as a move to compete with PBS and stay in the limelight.

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PBS may have acted to satisfy the public and promote virtue ethics after firing Charlie Rose. When an organization opts to uphold virtue ethics and sacrifice other considerable interests, social corporate responsibility is addressed. The markets, which are the main targets are satisfied, and this is definitely good for the business (Cai &Pan 2011). Interestingly, after CBS fired Chaggaris, provides soared higher than expected, showing that markets had become more interested in the company’s services (Cai &Pan 2011). As much as the move to fire the director was not intended to affect the sales, it is imperative to give credit. Considering the case of the firing of Steve Chaggaris, it is imperative that corporate social responsibility is applied and ethically incorporated into an organization’s culture and beliefs.

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