The Flowering and Dissolution of Medieval Civilization
I just like the culture here since the level of creativity is beyond imagination. After the invasion by people from all over Europe the culture has really developed with all the integrations. I joined an art school just a few meters from where I reside. I decided to join a cathedral school to match my Christianity religion. I am taking grammar, logic and rhetoric classes. We all believe that God is the creator of our world and the Mighty leader. In church we are taught different things which give us a different world view. I believe that God our creator is the one who determines what a good life is for a Christian. God has explained the rules and regulations on how to live as a Christian in this world as a preparation for a higher world.
We are taught in the church that God made the world for us and his salvations is the primary goal of life. He has taught us that the teachings of faith cannot conflict with the evidence of reason because both reason and faith are from God. Reason and faith were never in competition with each other but God made them to bring unity to mankind. Saint Thomas always taught us that in heaven there will only be complete knowledge and happiness. Our school had a motivational talk where we were taught on the importance of education for all of us and the country. The speaker was a scholar and lecturer in one of the top universities. There are more trading activities which have contributed to better communication and stability. There is more opportunity for everyone to earn a living.
Scientific works in school and the universities have not achieved much. Aristotle has been the greatest contributor, since he also has inspired some students to examine the physical nature. Antonio informed me a few days ago that he joined a scientific movement. My neighbor John is a lawyer and a literature student. He invites me for pear patina in the evening when he wants a friend to talk to. I always enjoy his talks since he mostly tells me about how the Roman law has developed. He explained to me that the law essentially consisted of German customs where some of them were in writings. He had studied law in Bologna which is the leading study center for Roman law. He has done a very great work in defending the Christian faith against non believers who attack it.
A few months ago I paid a visit to the Benedictine monastery of Le Bec in Normandy accompanied by my friend Antonio. We found Saint Anselm who was the abbot. He is a very strong man in faith who uses rational arguments to serve the interests of the Christian faith. We had just a little talk with him since he is a very busy man. Albert took much time to write on chemistry, geology and zoology. He has showed a lot of respect for the details of nature that is concrete and making use of them as empirical evidence. He explained in his most recent sermon that it is okay to look into the material world. He made emphasis that there was some degree of value in the knowledge that was gotten from involving with nature.
The future is not predictable but it is not safe here. I find the windows which are stain glass extremely magnificent. This is also because of the decorations and paintings in the style. I find the Gothic style more vigorous than the Romanesque style of architecture. With all the structures and riches in Rome it is never safe. The future is not predictable but it is not safe here. Medieval History: The Life and Death of a Civilization.
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