The greenhouse effect on lung diseases in South Florida
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
There have been reported cases of more flooding, drought, hurricanes and heat waves. This increased rate of climate change has already started affecting human health. To be precise climate change has contributed so much in causing respiratory-related infections in areas where the infections were really common. There some areas which are prone to these infections but recently there have been reported cases of those respiratory infections in areas where the respiratory infection was rare, and all this has mostly been caused by global warming. Young people and the aged people seem to be vulnerable to the rapid change in climate. The greenhouse effect has been caused by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuel and agricultural activities like land clearing. When the temperature rises they lead to other adverse effects of floods, hurricanes, drought, heat waves, and prolonged dry conditions resulting in field fires.
These results in a rise in temperature might have may have weighty impacts not only to the surroundings but also to the humanoid well-being. The environmental changes have been global warming, intensifying sea levels resulting from glacial ice cap melting. Most the common results of high temperatures that are a threat to human health include; the effect on air quality as a result of an increase in the atmospheric ozone and other greenhouse gasses, which are the main causes of lung diseases including Asthma, lung infections, pneumonia among others. Scientists have raised concerns that doing most of these researches are very difficult. Since the weather keeps on changing frequently and they are not able to do their researches without being affected by other external factors. In the United States, the scientists collected data from both mild and high latitude locations to come up with data that would cover two different climates.
This research helped the scientists to know whether the earth is really overheating. Another method used by the scientists is the heating effect. The satellites have shown that there is a building up of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere causing overheating on the earth surface. This overheating has led to many changes in climate, which has led to drought, hurricanes, forest fires, more flooding, global warming among other climatic changes. These climate changes have led to overcrowding in some areas leading to more transmission of respiratory diseases. More flooding in many areas has exposed the human being to extreme cold environment exposing them to diseases like pneumonia and leading to high mortality to the ones with chronic diseases. Development The greenhouse effect on lung diseases in South Florida. Due to extreme heat and high humidity triggering asthma symptoms and causing pneumonia.
Cold weather mostly resulting from flooding exposed the human being to cold creating a conducive environment for respiratory infections. Influenza and Pneumonia are major cause of many deaths in America as a result of climate change and bacterial respiratory infections. Pneumonia is a type of lung disease that is caused by climate change, which results from; enclosed congregating which results in close contact between the infected and the uninfected leading to transmission. Lower relative humidity is another cause, the season variation in the human immune system is another condition that leads to pneumonia. When this happens, there is an increase in the fungal spore production, which are the main causes of asthma and rhinitis diseases. The air pollution both outdoor and indoor is another cause of respiratory infection. When the greenhouse gases increase, they lead to air pollution, which in turn causes respiratory infections like the lung diseases.
For the air pollution to cause respiratory infections it all relies on the features and the source of air pollution. Inhalation of some of the components released in the air leads to serious respiratory problems (Mirsaeidi, Motahari, and Sharifi). There was an outbreak of Hantavirus in Los Santos in the year 1999. This virus is commonly available in the faeces, urine and saliva of some rodents (Winchester and Shivlan) (Winchester, Harwell, and Letson, Feeling the Heat in Florida). Due to change in climate, habitats change and bring wildlife, crops, human being and livestock together, exposing creatures to connection with pathogens. Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a contagious virus that has the same virus as the common cold, is another respiratory disease caused by climate change. Climate change also causes the fungal respiratory infections which are another lung disease.
In South Florida where this research paper is based on. The greenhouse effect has caused most of the forest fires. When woods burn them release a lot of carbon dioxide into the air in combination with other gases which when inhaled leads to the development of respiratory infections like pneumonia and lung diseases. In order to control the greenhouse effects in South Florida, public health policies should be laid to ensure that anyone who is found polluting the air should be held responsible. There should be ways that should be provided by the government to ensure they are ready and prepared for the disaster management. April 2018. carbonbrief. org/new-study-directly-measures-greenhouse-effect-at-earths-surface>. Mirsaeidi, Mehdi, et al. Climate Change and Respiratory Infections. Winchester, John and Manjo Shivlan. Winchester, John, Mark Harwell and Dave Letson. Feeling the Heat in Florida.
Florida Climate Alliance, 2001. Wu, Xiaoxu and Yongmei Lu.
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