The Ideal Leader Essay
For one to be considered an effective leader, he/she has to exhibit various attributes which play a role in defining a leader and providing one with the skills and abilities to lead effectively. Some of these abilities include strong communication skills, self-confidence, ability to delegate and ability to remain positive regardless of the situation. The ideal leader must be in a position to depict a positive attitude even when the chips are down. Such attributes are essential, and they can be tailored to various fields include education leadership. Education is one of the most effective sectors in any state, and it should be given the priority and intention that it deserves. Every individual in this setting has a significant role to play, and the role of a leader is essential.
It is important to note that a leader is dissimilar to a director or manager and has diverse responsibilities and roles (David et al. Some of the general roles of a leader include motivating a team. Motivation is essential as it provides individuals with the will and power to perform better in their day to day activities. Another role is to influence best practice by sharing sound knowledge and skills which help the team to be effective in their duties as well as inspiring them to give their best to the organization or learning institution. This means dedicated and experienced leaders are required to shape learning and teaching as it is the only chance to enable and maintain a good learning environment. Without skilled and committed leadership in place then the chances of achieving these goals are minimal.
There are various personal values and dispositions are required for early years work, and they include addressing the rights of the children and honor diversity of all types in courageous, positive and constructive ways. This is essential since the children are unique and they all have differences which should be embraced and appreciated as well. Thus, honoring the rights of the children and providing them with an opportunity to grow to be courageous and ambitious is recommended as it is a leadership skill. Such activity should be incorporated in early years work to give the children a firm foundation that will push them for the better, and this is what they will turn to be in their adult age. Leaders need to encourage this idea as it determines the behavior and character of the future generation.
If the foundation is not valid, then the children will not be effective as well. Another disposition is making the leaning, wellbeing, and development of the children to focus on the core objective. It is essential to ensure that the learning and development of children focus on the core values for it to be effective (Mitgang, 2012). The ideal leader should ensure that children grow and turn to be morally and ethically upright once they have acquired the knowledge that they need on how to deal with ethical issues. Therefore, there is need to introduce to ethical education to children as it will help them have an understanding of the importance of this value. Consequently, it is evident that an effective leader is one who encourages the development of the ethical inquiry culture in the society (Leithwood et al.
This should be part of the leader’s chief objective since it champions for the well-being of young children. Another disposition is to model and promote a caring ethos in the setting. Diversity defines us, and that is what makes human unique and appreciable. Thus, a leader should encourage difference in the education setting and promote equality which is considered essential for the well-being of individuals in the education system. Children should be taught the importance of justice, and the staff should be encouraged to champion for equality in the institution. A leader should also advocate for the rights of the children, and this is to ensure that their rights are upheld and respected at all times by the teachers and other stakeholders (Fasoli, Scrivens & Woodrow, 2017). Children are vulnerable, and therefore they should be protected by leaders as it is one of the qualities of a good leader.
They all play a noteworthy role to in defining an effective leader and promoting the well-being of the education sector especially the early childhood education and care. References David, F. Dong, T. Benjamin, K. William, N. Challenges for leadership in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australian early childhood contexts. In L. Keesing-Styles & H. Hedges (Eds), Theorising early childhood practice: Emerging dialogues. Sydney, NSW: Pademelon Press. Siraj-Blatchford, I. Manni, L. Effective leadership in the early years sector: The ELEYS study. London: Institute of Education, University of London. Waniganayake, M.
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