The Increase of Natural Disasters is as a Result of Climate Change

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Other

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They tell us about the humidity, temperature, and cloudiness. Weather forecasters inform us whether there is going to be a storm or not. The weather is a mix of events that occur in the atmosphere every day. It also varies in different parts of the world, it might be hot and sunny in one area but snowy and cold in another city. Climate, on the other hand, is the standard weather conditions in a location over an extended period. How is it that we know we are experiencing climate change? Here are some of the indicators of climate change. As time passes by, we come to realize that temperatures are rising high above average on a global scale. Additionally, droughts have become more prolonged and very extreme in several areas of the world.

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Tropical storms have become severe and dangerous on a vast level since temperatures even in the water have increased. Increased temperatures have caused snow at the peaks of mountains and polar areas to melt at a faster rate causing floods (IPCC, 2). These gases, including carbon dioxide, have a unique capacity to absorb the spectrum of infrared light that contributes to the warming of the atmosphere (Schuur, et al. Many people tend to use global warm and climate change interchangeably. However, the two terms are different; this is because the process and concept of global warm is an aspect of climate change. Global warming is used to refer to the increase in global temperature that is a result of the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (IPCC, 4). Climate change, on the other hand, refers to the increased differences in measures of climate over long periods of time including temperature, wind and precipitation patterns.

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By cutting down trees, we give an opportunity for carbon dioxide to accumulate in the atmosphere hence global warming and an ultimate change in climate that will result in natural disasters. Carbon dioxide cannot be rubbed merely off or omitted from the atmosphere, it extends and spreads over different parts of oceans, lands, and atmosphere. Some fragments of the gas can be absorbed through various natural processes (Pittock, 9). Never the less, as mentioned not all of it is incorporated, the rest that remains is trapped in the atmosphere for a very long time because it takes a long time for carbon dioxide to be transferred to ocean fragments. Methane gas is emitted during the transportation and production of fossil fuels examples of which are coal, natural gas, and oil. The greenhouse effect is a cycle in which the gases mentioned above become trapped in the atmosphere and cause increased heat (IPCC, 4).

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The term, greenhouse effect was coined around 1827 by one Joseph Fourier, a mathematician, and physicist of French background (Banholzer, et al. Oxygen and Nitrogen which are the significant compositions of the atmosphere cannot absorb the spectrum of infrared light. On the other hand, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide can absorb this spectrum. The accumulation of these gases in the atmosphere causes increased trapping of heat hence increased temperature (Pittock, 13). This particular energy that is released is what fuels tropical cyclones and thunderstorms (Schuur, et al. Climate change increases the occurrences of natural hazards. This thesis can be attributed to the fact that there have been raised thunderstorms in North America. There has been a significant increase in severe storms accompanied by hail, tornadoes, wind gusts and torrential rain (Dow and Thomas, 33).

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There has been an increase in the content of water vapor, especially in the atmosphere. Apart from heatwaves, South Asia has been subjected to Monsoon especially India. Temperatures in these locations go up to over forty degrees (Hallegatte, 12). Climate change has contributed to changes in precipitation levels/ patterns all over the world. This has caused increased rainfall amounts that are more frequent. It also has prolonged events of drought. It affects the amount of rain a hurricane drops. The warmer the atmosphere, the higher the intensity of the hurricane hence the higher the amount of rainfall that is to be expected. Desertification is a direct result of climate change. After experiencing a short period of very heavy rains, there comes an extended period of drought and famine. Wildfires are widespread in North America, especially in California (Banholzer, et al.

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Instead of plants drawing water from the ground, the plants lose water to the land and the evaporation process as well. This process accelerates conditions of drought. Climate change also strengthens subtropical high-pressure systems (Banholzer, et al. These systems block moisture from reaching the upper atmosphere preventing it from condensing and eventually falling as rain or snow on earth. When these systems increase in strength and size, they become very effective at blocking and altering precipitation (Banholzer, et al. Floods, in this case, cause the presence of stagnant water which serves correctly as breeding grounds for waterborne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and bilharzia. It also makes it impossible to access clean water which may cause rapid infections of cholera and ultimately death. The stagnant water can also be perfect breeding fields for mosquitoes that cause malaria (Hyndman and David, 26).

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Floods may also result in famine and is a threat to food security since they wash out all crops. Starvation causes poor nutrition especially among children leading to malnutrition and anemia. PTSD is common among children who have witnessed a natural disaster (Blaikie, 29). This condition has been given consistent attention since if it is not treated, it might leave the victims with permanent psychological/ metal damage and stress. Other than physical injury, natural disasters tend to displace people from their homes. When disaster strikes, people are forced to leave their homes and move to areas that are secure. Some are even forced to become refugees in other countries while others remain refugees in their own countries (Blaikie, 31). Soil erosion has increased as a result of the floods. Heavy rainfall washes away the top layer of soil of continually causing erosion.

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The reduced snow cover has caused a reduction in winter tourism which has led to a decrease in foreign and local revenue ((Barrientos, 55). Economic effects are also felt during the event of a natural disaster. Many homes are destroyed, and so much money has to be spent while relocating and resettling the people who have been affected. There will be frequent heatwaves, tropical cyclones, and wildfires. The increased intensity of this disaster is likely to also yield an increase in the breakouts of epidemics and diseases. The warm environment will be favorable for mosquitoes and other pathogens to reproduce (Crate and Mark, 53). Even without human activity, natural disasters are likely to occur. It is critical that governments work hard towards maintaining a healthy economy that can survive a natural disaster. In June last year, Donald Trump made public his intent to exit the Paris agreement.

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If Trump chooses to follow through with this decision, the earliest date that he would be allowed to exit will be in November the year 2020, three months before he is done with his first term as president of the United States of America (Alexander, 34). As mentioned earlier, it is possible that natural disasters will continue to increase in intensity and duration. The best thing that we can do is to prepare for such events fully. Countries should be more focused on constructing irrepressible infrastructure that is capable of withstanding and surviving these disasters. Ch, 2018, http://ipcc. ch/. Accessed 7 Apr 2018. Alexander, David C.  Natural disasters. Routledge, 2014. Crate, Susan A. and Mark Nuttall, eds.  Anthropology and climate change: from encounters to actions. Routledge, 2016. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  Climate change 2014: mitigation of climate change.

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Vol. Cambridge University Press, 2015. ch/. IPCC, 2014. Pittock, A. Barrie.  Climate change: turning up the heat. Routledge, 2017.

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