The Mere Presence of Others

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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However, it can also interfere with the quality of one performance. More often than not, within the adolescent age group the presence of others influence interferes with one’s quality of performance. My personal experience with the unintentional influence of the presence of others was in middle school. I was disliked by a girl in classroom and she made fun of me constantly. She would post inappropriate things on social media and had a true passion for isolating me. He soon after found himself in jail only to realize that many of his actions was a direct product of the influence of the people around him. He attempted to walk away from that circle and found that although his decisions from now on would be more reflective of his own perspective his past would follow him for years to come.

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According to Albert, Chein and Steinberg (2013), there is a high-risk behavior among adolescents with the focus shifting to the influence of social as well as emotional elements on teen neurocognition. The researchers reviewed recent research proposing that the teen behavior drives from the maturational gap that exist between early teenage transformation of the socio-emotional reward structure of the brain and a steady, elongated solidification of the mental regulator system. Today, adolescents spend most of their time with peers, and therefore peer-allied stimuli might influence the reward scheme so that it responds to the reward value of unsafe conduct. Resistance to peer influence is low, and it heightens tendency to make uninformed decisions. While adults normally offend alone, statistics show that most of the delinquent acts committed by adolescents happen in peer groups.

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If teens affiliate with delinquent peers, the chances are that they will engage in delinquent behaviors are high. Albert, Chein, and Steinberg (2013) have proposed that the being there of peer highpoints reward that is sensitive impulsive condition which heightens the value for proximately accessible rewards, so upsurges the likelihood that an adolescent will approve the temporary benefits of a dicey decision over the lasting value of an innocuous alternative. The researchers have found out that decisions are a creation of both ineffective and cognitive efforts, even when the effect is distinct to the choice under assessment. Adolescent smoking is highly dependent on the social influences. These influences are imperative concerning an array of health deeds, including sexual behaviors, diet and substance abuse.

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Teens may be predominantly vulnerable to collective influences given the importance of peer groups and schools in adolescent life and the developmental phase. Other teens provide opportunity, access, and reinforcement to social aspects of substance use, including adolescent smoking. As such, there is an association between adolescent drug use and the peer use. When it comes to behaviors like smoking, peer influences may be curbed by resilient social bonds. Adolescents from minority groups are likely to be influenced by their friends from the majority groups. Best friend, social crowds and peer groups all affects adolescent’s behavior, including smoking (Hoorn et al. The influences are reliant on the explicit stuff used, the phase of use, and the affiliation characteristics, implying that a teen is adherent of the particular group but not principal to it.

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Parent influences are allied to adolescent smoking, though in a modest manner. At some point, conforming to peer’s action becomes even more imperative than what the adolescent really wants. Conforming at a young age can lead to problems when it comes to dealing with others in life. In 2010, there was a persuasive pregnancy pact that surfaced in the United States. This pact is a prime example of the unarguable effect of the presence of others. These young impressionable women were led to believe that their lives with the addition of a totally dependent child would be more enjoyable. Through contrast, the early timing of puberty was not related to deviant peer affiliation in those girls who are young and black, which suggest that the peers which have negative influence might not uniformly correlate the puberty for young people together with age and the race.

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The study shows the importance of puberty stage in young age together with peer behavior and the problems of the behavior challenges of girls from the age of 11 and 16 years of age. The prevention of undesirable affiliation of peers’ influence might be accomplished via communication as well as monitoring which can reduce much of the challenges which are associated in the early age puberty (Harakeh &Vollebergh, 2012 p. Although many of early puberty relationships, good colleague’s and the challenges of behavior does not show the ethical difference, the other early girls maturity appear to be much more vulnerable to much more negative friends to influence much on relational as well as nonphysical aggression. The problem and the stress of being both a person who matures early and the minority group member that can contribute to the girls with higher chances.

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There is a need to keep in mind the only people whom we mostly and likely to be imitated and the people to imitate. In order to reduce the rate of smoking in young people due to peer pressure is suggested that models should be instituted smoking area to avoid public smoking. Conclusion In conclusion, when a child reaches teenage years, it’s likely that they will start behaving differently and experimenting with new things, and much of the behavior comes from their friend’s action. When a peer is watching the decision-making process, they tend to make riskier decisions. It appears that the presence of peers activates reward circuitry in the brain, and that is what makes teens behave riskily.

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