The mystery of the Bermuda triangle

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:History

Document 1

Aircraft too normally fly over this region-both commercial and private. It is popularly known for its mysterious disappearances of ship and aero planes. Bermuda Triangle covers Miami, Puerto Rico as well as Bermuda. You may be sitting here wondering, “Well, I don’t travel on air or water, so how would this apply to me?” If you have relatives working or studying oversees, then there should be a concern for the formalization of the Bermuda region and how we can realize the actual facts behind the mysterious vanishes of planes and ship around the this part. Emphasis should be taken in order to deduce the exact cause of disappearances around the known Bermuda Triangle. He saw a flame like that of a fire perhaps a meteor that crashed into the ocean B.

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He experienced compass reading errors probably that was due to the fact that this region was by then a major point of true north as well as magnetic north line-up. Joshua Slocum vanished strangely just after his popularity as the first known individual to voyage the globe alone-he sailed across south America from Martha’s Vineyard. However unclear, his death was attributed to Bermuda Triangle. That was back in 1909. They suppose that warps were timed and also the gravitation fields were reversed. Scientific theories suggested that the Bermuda lethal was as result of either magnetic anomaly or enormous eruption of gases such as methane from within the ocean. Findings by scientists show that the incidences can be accredited to innate causes.

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