The negotiation process Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Managing the impressions of the other party involved in the negotiation process-An important tactical task of a negotiator is to ensure that the other party does not get the accurate information about his or her position. This will happen by screening the actual information and representing it to the other party to believe it. Modifying the perceptions of the other party- the tactical task takes place in different ways but aims at concealing information. The task will revolve around modifying the perceptions of the other party and letting them understand the outcomes of their perceptions. Manipulating the actual costs resulting from either the delay or termination- The tactical task will become successful through the following activities that will become manipulative to the delay costs in a negotiation process (Mell, Lucas & Gratch, 2015, May).

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This step will allow the involved parties to negotiate fairly and effectively to have the best outcomes in the long term. Closure and implementing- The step will involve coming to an end of the negotiation process and implementing the agreed solution which will have an impact on the two parties involved. Describe the "Three Stages" for managing multiparty negotiations. In multiparty negotiations, there is the need to understand the different ways of managing the processes involved. The three stages of managing multiparty negotiations include the pre-negotiation stage, formal negotiation, and the agreement stages. There have to be specific goals that will have a long-term positive impact and which will influence the success of a negotiation process (Lee, 2005). Also, the participants get to understand that their personal goals have a link to the goals of the other parties.

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Therefore, their goals should link with the goals of the other people involved in the negotiation process. Limitations exist as to what goals can become. In this case, the parties should understand that goals should not just be any expectations that individuals have from a negotiation process. On the other hand, cognition will determine the types of goals and objectives held by each of the parties involved. The cognitive abilities of the two or more parties in a negotiation process will determine the overall success of the negotiation activity (Sakamoto, Kwon, Tamada & Hirahara, 2018). Emotions affect the way in which people handle situations. In this case, the emotions of the parties involved in a negotiation process will determine the outcomes of the activity.

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In most cases, emotions have an impact on the way in which people perceive things. Goals and expected outcomes enable an individual to find and utilize their negotiation power. In this case, it becomes important to understand one's position and the role which they should play to enable the negotiation process yield results in the long term (Pistone, 2007). The negotiation power has a positive impact on the negotiation process since each of the parties involved will understand their positions and the roles which they will play. It is important for each of the parties to understand their negotiation power and use it to attain their goals and objectives in a negotiation process. Therefore, the negotiation power will have a positive impact on the outcomes achieved in the negotiation process.

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List and describe the important the " Best Practice in Negotiation" In a negotiation process, there is the need to apply the best practices that will yield long-term results. In this case, some of the best practices include presenting research findings in a step by step manner instead of presenting all information including expectations at once. Also, practicing will improve performance in the negotiation process. in a negotiation, prior planning has a positive impact on the outcomes achieved in the process (Mell, Lucas & Gratch, 2015, May). Every party should maintain rapport and give each other an opportunity to express their opinions and alternatives to the topic of discussion.  Negotiation Journal, 25(4), 499-514. Mell, J. , Lucas, G. , & Gratch, J. (2015, May). Sakamoto, M. , Kwon, J. , Tamada, H.

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