The Nurse Advocate Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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Nurse advocates experience various challenges in exploiting their duties, but their passion makes them face the challenges. The training and experiences of nurses allow them to inform decisions that can improve patient care and community health. Allowing nurses to participate on boards is a sure way of improving service delivery to patients as well as collaboration with doctors. The nurses also need to be given a chance for leadership in the community and the government to contribute to some of the important decisions that affect health (Hassmiller, 2012). It is necessary for nurses to know how the political process works in order to promote the nation’s health. The mentors she had also made it possible for her to engage positively in politics and influence important decision.

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She had a passion to make a difference in the lives of many citizens that lack the necessary resources for quality healthcare. With a political post, she could be able to improve the available health care services to vulnerable populations. The scope of her representation of the people widened from just health care to the environment, education, land preservation, and economic empowerment (Hall-Long, 1995). On the other hand, Marshall Rosenberg was driven by her desire to provide service to uninsured patients at a local clinic. The passion to take care of the people and serve the community was strong than the challenges she was facing in the quest for the boardroom membership. She turns out as a risk taker that left her career in a major hospital to join politics in Colorado.

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Her courage to begin new programs while seeking help from experts was helpful in learning new relationships and collaborations that helped her in her political career. Getting on the board could give her a chance to offer her nursing experience in serving the community of Colorado. Nurses face numerous challenges in their quest to influence policy development. She also tried entrepreneurship and started an infant-toddler childcare center that later became bankrupt. Additionally, she lost her job due to insubordination. Despite these challenges, she never gave up her passion of wanting to serve the people. As she joined the political career, she also faced challenges in trying to figure out how to go about politics. She was inexperienced in campaigns and politics but her friends and connections were there to support her.

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She also has to care for her family and create time for her nursing students as a faculty member. These cases show the drivers and challenges most nurses face in their attempt to hold elective positions. Nurses are trained to provide care to their patients and their communities. With this in mind, the nurses always have a desire to have the chance of bringing change to their communities through legislation and policy-making. The challenges that nurses face in leadership vary depending on various factors. The first one is improving my communication skills, finding a mentor, and continuous training. Additionally, it is important to develop cultural competence to enable me to work well with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. In the next five years, I must also ensure that I participate in professional nursing organizations to increase my awareness and show solidarity with other nursing professionals.

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