The Right to Health of Indigenous People with a Focus on Women
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Health
Nevertheless, the unlucky that occur commonly to all indigenous people is lack of their right to health services when compared to the people who are not indigenous1. In health status and many other health determinants, discrepancies or gaps exist. Poverty is shown as the most prevalent that many indigenous people encounter as indicated by the study compared to the non-indigenous ones1. The factors that limit or pin indigenous people to extreme poverty are lack of education access, indigenous economy destruction, socio-political structure destruction, conflicts, the land degradation which is customary land and even loss, and displacement by force. These factors combined with the other factors such as discrimination and racism, it leads to women who are indigenous to pass through health problem together with their children. The health of indigenous people is a factor of concerns all over the world especially to the countries they originate regarding how independent in income they are.
For instance, the case of New Zealand, Australia and Westen Pacific region, are in the fight to minimize the gaps that exist btween naon-indigenous and indigenous people in the health care access and life expectancy cases1. A well understanding aboput the issue of inqualities that indigenous people are passing through all over the world is the main theme of this research paper. The factors that the paper deals with are in PAHO and WHO and even in the regional office of the WHO that has significant data on the issue of indigenous people. Women’s Health In the health Survey and Demographic data, it indicates that circumstnces have led to the detrimetal and lack of recognition of the rights of the indigenous people especially women about their health. The evidence for inequity to sexual right access and reproductive health is because of the several structural factors that include; calculative, it reveals that girls have lesseducation thn boys, most of them stay in the rural areas with minimal access to the healthcare services, and there is lack of health services in cultural practices leading to difficulties of yound individuals to get family planing services.
The pregnancies rate in the adolescent indingenous women in the community is directly connected to social behaviour and their perceptions towords protection during sex and the use of family planning5. Therefore, there is a high rate of transmission and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS among the indigenous people which had gone up since 1990 when it was 4% to the year 2007 which was 30%1,5. In countries like Guyana, Haiti, Domican Republic, 50% is the rate of transmission of infectious diseases among the adolescents. Community intervention The discrimination application among the indigenous people has risen the question of concern by non-indigenous social life and health service provider personnel with very little applicability to the health service professionalism in the indigenous dominated communities and societies1. Therefore, the health intervention of the indigenous people is through their efforts with the supliment from other non-discriminative personnel.
Biblical and ethical standards Galatians 3:28 talks about social position, gender and individual nationality. It makes people to be one and not about race but it talk about God’s grace and equality before Him. In Romans 2:11, God reveals Himself fully to everybody and not partial. His favor is equal upon all people. This is to be done by including the indigenous people all each level of provision of health services and development, and iimplementation which will lead to a broader approach to health care services. Based on systems of traditional health care, it called nations to incorporated and ensure perspectictives of indigenous people are by the Millenium Development Goal and policies for national health and ally with an indigenous health provider to increase the provision of health services to the women and children hence prvention of maternal and infant deaths.
Despite solutions to right to health of indigenous people. There are many challenges that still encountered them. Hences these challenges are respected and supported by systems of westen health care to [rovide serives to indigenous people. Sexuality, violence against women, and human rights: women make demands and ladies get protection. Health and Human Rights. Ohenjo, Nyang'ori, Ruth Willis, Dorothy Jackson, Clive Nettleton, Kenneth Good, and Benon Mugarura. Health of Indigenous people in Africa. The Lancet, 2012; 23(5) 1937-1946.
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