The Role of the Advance Nurse

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Advanced nurse practitioners have proven to work well independently and in collaboration with the multidisciplinary healthcare team, to deliver safe, cost-effective care. The nursing profession continues to evolve into a respectful, trusted and knowledgeable professionals. More advanced care nurses translate to higher quality of healthcare services. This paper will examine the reasons why the specialty was chosen, role differences between clinical and non-clinical masters, roles that define the advanced master’s nurse and the impact that these roles have on the registered nurses’ career. Chosen Specialty My interest in patient care began with my first hospital job. To obtain their degrees, CRNAs must go thru rigorous studies and more than two years of schooling and clinical experience. The nurse anesthetist program is considered one of the most competitive master’s program.

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The shortage of doctors in rural areas assisted the development of the nurse practitioner role. Studies have established that there is an international shortage of physicians, yet the number of the older adults continue to increase, such a phenomenon will create a deficit that could have serious complications (Ljungbeck & Forss, 2017). However, future training of nurse practitioners to meet that shortage can relieve some the forthcoming healthcare problems. Without the nurse educator’s role, nurses could not achieve a high level of education or be ready for today’s complex working environment. Nurse educators are leaders who promote research and evidence-based practice in universities, hospitals, and many health organizations. Their mentoring and training roles to the student nurses enable the production of well-rounded nurses who are ready to walk through the ever demanding nursing profession.

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Finally, nurse administrator is a role that is considered nonclinical and does not require state board’s testing. Some examples of the administrator role include; nursing directors, managers, and supervisors. Being autonomous can be difficult for a new practitioner. A research examined why advance nurse practitioners in general practices struggled to gain acceptance within the health care system and maintain their confidence. The results proved that the cause was due to lack of trust from physicians and nurses not assuming full responsibility and accountable (Jakimowicz, Willliams, & Stankiewicz, 2017). The role and the scope of a nurse practitioner are continually evolving. The scarcity of physicians and the increase in the patient’s life expansion has opened the doors for the nurse practitioners. Furthermore, their advanced learning gives them the confidence and skills that they need to practice in diverse healthcare settings.

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Advance practice nurses can obtain a Doctorate, or a Doctor of philosophy; which allows them to become experts in advanced research and evidence-based practice. Additionally, these nurses can design quality improvement protocols that will deliver safe and effective care. The Institute of Medicine made significant recommendations for the future of nurses. The report recommends that nurses educate themselves to their highest potential: this includes achieving a doctoral degree. Barker, A. M. Advance practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning. Institute of Medicine. org/10. s12912-016-0198-7 Ljungbeck, B. Forss, K. S. Advance nurse practitioners in municipal healthcare as a way to meet the growing healthcare needs of the frail elderly: A qualitative interview study with managers, doctors and specialist. A. Economic evaluation of nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist roles: a methodical review.

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International Journal of Nursing Studies, 72, 71-82. doi. org/10.

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