THE ROPE analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Film

Document 1

At the beginning of the film, Brandon and Philip are the first character well known to be classmates, though homosexuals to David. The close interactions and their behaviors while alone was a clear indication that they were in a sexual relationship especially by the fact that they were old enough to be married but lived in a single room in the apartment which had only one bedroom making the whole thing strange. The two friends have a great ego and sense of superiority and decided to murder their friend David by strangling him with a simple rope in their apartment and they dump his body in an old truck that was used to store books. This is where the movie obtains its name. Their act against David is inspired by an idea by their professor about the “innate superiority “in which some people dominate over others.

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Kentley became more curious and concerned in knowing David’s whereabouts since it was very unusual for him to have missed the great party. In the meanwhile, while David was not present, Brandon was trying to manipulate the Janet and Kenneth into romantic topics while Philip became heavily drunk due to anxiety. Philip became more overwhelmed by the act by Brandon to use the same rope they had hanged David with to tie up Mrs. Kentley’s bundle of books. The unusual behavior by the two classmates compelled Cadell to inquire from Philip about David but he denies having any information about him at that particular time increasing the suspicion. The theme of crime is also evident in the fact that art of murder of David revolves in the film. David is the victim of the circumstances when he is strangled by his schoolmate due to their false believes in superiority.

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The movies described Janet’s earlier relationship with Kenneth who is a threat to her decision making thus insecurity sets in into her current relationship with David when Brandon tries to reunite Janet and Kenneth at the advantage of the dead David, but after all she confesses she can only move on with David. Cadell role in the movie is to expose the crime committed against humanity and he ensures that the murders are surrendered to the authorities so that they do not get away unpunished. He takes the initiative of calling police to arrest Brandon and Philip as a show of value for life. It was so evil for him to kill is colleague just to feed his intellectual vanity. This can be regarded as highest level of friendship betray and lack of sense in experimenting unnecessary ego with an innocent soul.

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Brandon is used in the movie to portray the art of murder and pride. Brandon id seen to be a character who believes in his superiority and full of psychological mischief which people scold and disapprove though he still succeeds to win their trust but he is not worth the trust. Brandon’s believe of his superiority is seen to be just a mere dream since he does not manage to conceal the murder weapon and also host the party near the box where he had hidden David’s dead body due to his pronounced flourish. He was certain that the unusual behavior by the classmates was attributed by something that ordinary people could not understand. He was a great observer and creative being to notice the sudden change in their classmate behavior at a time when a colleague was missing.

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he is absolutely amused by the horrible though of the blood-cold act by his classmates and thus decided they will not get away with it. The movie is set to revolve around David a character who is so kind and a great schoolmate of Brandon and Philip , who was set to soon get married to his fiancée Janet before he met is death. David was not a very intellectual but he was a good tennis player. The tone and mode used in the adopted in the film is suspenseful and does vary throughout few some moments of comic relief. The film is set in Brandon’s apartment in the New York City. There is no narrator in the film and the viewer has to follow the events from where Brandon and Philip strangle their friend through introduction of other characters such as Cadell and to the end when the evil is exposed.

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The conversations between the characters and panning of camera from one segment to another creates easy to follow flow of events. The protagonists in the film are Brandon and Philip who are the major cause of the problem in the movie and Cadell is the antagonist who tries to resolves things by ensuring the criminals are arrested. The film was being shot in real time and being edited to become a continuous shooting by use of long stakes. The long takes could take as long as ten minutes but some shots within could end up being shorter. Other segments ended by tracking into an object which would block the entire screen and as a result Hitchcock was able to employ half cuts into the film. Hitchcock also incorporated new camera setup to bring about disgusting cut which could was an indicator of transition from end of one segment and a beginning of another.

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The film last about one and a third an hour but and is supposed to run in real time thus in order to achieve this, the film is speeded up so that some actions are summarized by skipping unnecessary parts of the film events inside.

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