The Scientific Management Principles

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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These scientific management principles faced a great resistance in some regions but their impacts gained a gradual effect with time. The changes associated to the implementation of Taylorism ware the division of labor into skilled and unskilled labor, the narrowing of craft work, there was a recorded improvement in production and the also gave birth to mass production and mechanization of production to ensure efficiency (Waring, 278-283). This also changed the way the industry was organized as there was the introduction of the division of the labor force into departments with an aim to improve individual production. This was to ensure improved communication between labor and management hence ensuring coordination of activities to ensure related task are arrayed together. There was also a notable separation of planning and execution with managers controlling productivity of workers.

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"Understanding taylorism. " British Journal of Sociology (1978): 185-202. Rational Bureaucratic Organizations According to Udy Jr (791), rational bureaucracy is a common approach in the decision making and problem solving approaches commonly used in organization is a rather effective approach. This is because this mode of decision making is basically based on a set of sufficient information with which decisions can be based on. On the contrary this mode faces a number of challenges in the decision making process aimed at solving organizational problems. The decision making problems and challenges varies from programed or non-programmed problems (based on their nature), operational or tactical decisions, strategic decisions, individual or organizational problems. The goals of these decisions is always to ensure that the organization sails towards the achievement of organizational goals and operates within the set standards (Udy Jr).

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References Udy Jr, Stanley H. "" Bureaucracy" and" Rationality" in Weber's Organization Theory: An Empirical Study. " American sociological review (1959): 791-795. But in order to achieve their personal goal of making a living from the job, common moral purpose overpowers individuality. To achieve these goals, it’s so important to develop good interpersonal relations between employees in the labor force and also between them and their superiors. In addition, the work force in most cases will have to come together in a common goal to for a union with a common goal of representing them to the management. By so doing this ensures that they achieve a common moral purposes and ensure that there is a mutual relationship between them and the organization management.

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The goals of the union are to promote the workers in their productivity hence achieve the organizational goals by ensuring the safety of workers (Meltzer, 672-691). On the other hand, economies of scope are associated with the utilizations of same operations in the manufacturing process. Looking at the two of them they are all aimed at ensuring a minimal production cost by producing in bulk and maximization of other production functions (Chandler, et al). Looking at the economies of scale in management we can deduce that the rate of production is controlled by the management and which is upon the management to control the production process. For instance, the more the amount of manufacturing inputs the more the firm achieves the economies of scale.

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