To what extent is a rebuilt monument still classified as historical monument
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Architecture
The reason is because they make people to recognize them as a cultural heritage or historical sites. They are remembered due to the fact that they are technical, historical, artistic, architectural or political in their importance for example, historical buildings, cultural assets, memorials, statues and the archeological sites. In case there is any public interest coming from the preservation of monuments, then such a monument is referred to as a common heritage of the world. Monuments are not designed for the sake of building. Instead, they are created with a purpose. Due to that, a feeling of nationalism can be derived out by the monuments. Similarly, the monuments found in the homeland are very crucial as they bring up a feeling of specialty. This makes many people migrate from their homeland to tour the places having the monuments to view as tourists.
Through that, the countries get foreign exchange that is earned after the tourists pay for the services. Due to the relevance of the monuments, people should conserve monuments by encouraging plans that provide care to the historic buildings thus preserving the people's culture. Funny enough, the Great Stupa had a bell-shaped design that looked like hemisphere though it was made of bricks. Inside the stupas, relics and ruble of Buddha were traced to his respective followers. However, the stupas decayed when people ignored and forgot them as soon as Buddhism declined though there was still their reconditioning and restoration in the period of 1912-1919. Monuments are also common in India as described in its history. Different kings have been thought to be the builders of the structures according to the past history.
From such a description, it can be noted that a pre-historic monument helps in the provision of a huge amount of information on the past as well as the early traditional existence of people's lives during prehistory. In the comparison of two great works done in the early time, there is always the determination of the core reason that led to the construction and the design of the architectural buildings. Similarly, the time of the rituals performed on such buildings together with their discoveries and the excavations is also followed-up to determine their origin. For instance, there is the passage-tomb that was created in New Grange during 3200BC as per the archeologists. Also, many findings and artifacts were discovered during the same excavation period of the New Grange. Therefore, the rebuilt monuments are simply described as those monuments that were recreated after a specific period of time after they fell down on their own or destroyed by the people.
The reconstruction might have been done to replace the ancient monuments that served the society. One of the rebuilt monuments is the Bruce Park Cenotaph. Some of the destroyed monuments were rebuilt in secrecy while others were not. The reasons that might have led to the destruction of the old monuments include earthquake. This took place at the time of the International Exposition that took place in Barcelona. The building was very crucial as it was used to open the official exhibition sections in German. Also, it was important as it marked the modern architectural history of the country. This was the case since valuable materials such as marble could be stored there. Later, the structure caused inspire of many existing modern buildings. With this idea, I can vividly agree with him since there is no way a renewed structure can be referred to as an old one.
The reason is that what was done in the ancient monuments was preserved for the other times, unlike the current rebuilt monument which utilizes the criteria of commencing a new set of activities. He further adds that historical monuments acted as father figures in the field of architecture. This provides the association between the architects and the modernism of the architectures. Moreover, the generation of the monuments differs depending on the period each one was created. The profession of architectural design advances the idea in which architects can create structures as well as the spaces that can deserve the title of the architectures and its suggestion on the predictions of what a monument can be classified. Therefore, users act as crucial considerations during the design process of the architectural monuments though users can be a menace to the architects due to their actions that can undermine the architectures.
In the hierarchy of architectures, it is important not to occupy buildings if it is a well-recognized architecture. Similarly, the users ought to be controlled so that they do not enforce their behavior to the architect. The implication of the statement is that the architects should think about the user when designing the architectural monuments. They were only rebuilt from the existing historical monuments but they cannot be classified as historical ones. Similarly, Koolhaas commenced the construction of a historical Pavilion though it was repatriated to German immediately after completion. The Anarchists' headquarters were responsible for the act. Consequently, the loss for another was the key effect since the monument became an architectural orphan after the migration of its creator to the USA. In the same period, all the dismantled components of the Pavilion were reused after which the incorporation of the marble was begun.
The newer reconstruction reduces the available space since it occupies it thus making its architects recognize it as historical despite being a replica of the old one. A consideration of the architectural photographs can be used in the classification of the monuments since the physical characteristics of the monuments provide a clear description. Moreover, the photos provide a more reconstruction design about the Pavilion due to the originality of the photographs captured. Apart from providing a clear picture a monument, photographs help in providing a visual display for the architecture thus establishing the socio-cultural differences that exist between the monuments. The art of contemplation is useful in the creation and design of monuments. Routledge, 2012. Hill, Jonathan. Weather Architecture (Berlin 1929-30, Barcelona 1986, Barcelona 1999-). Architecture–the Subject is Matter. Hill, Jonathan. Rembrandt Van Rijn Foundation for Culture at the request of the National Monuments Council, 1972.
Rowe, Colin, and Robert Slutzky. Transparency: Literal and phenomenal. Perspecta (1963): 45-54. Warner, Marina.
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