Tuition Free College Research Proposal

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

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Moreover, knowledge expands one’s mind since it exposes them to various experiences; in this regard, an individual can develop and grow in many areas such as reasoning, creative expression, decision making, verbal expression and analytical awareness. Therefore colleges are places that are of great significance to students thus if one lack sufficient money to facilitate their learning college becomes a nightmare to them. On the same note, some people come from poor backgrounds where they cannot afford to go to college. A college education should be free so that all individuals can gain access to education regardless of their backgrounds, ("The first New Yorkers go to college tuition-free"). For those that are homeless and gain access to college, it may help them get jobs by earning a degree and on earning they may buy apartments.

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The best method for resolving this crisis is to do away with the need for student loans altogether by providing free college tuition for all Americans, (Neuharth). Providing free college tuition will have benefits beyond solving the current student debt crisis, though. By providing free college tuition, the government will stimulate the economy and economic growth, provide educational opportunities to all Americans, and benefit society as a whole. While many argue that the only way to provide free college tuition is to raise taxes, which many oppose, that argument is not valid, (Abdul-Alim). It is possible to provide free college tuition by restructuring programs already in place and redirecting educational funds. College graduates earn more than high school graduates, on average $1 million more over a lifetime.

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Without crushing student loan debt, graduates will have more money to put into the economy, such as purchasing a home instead of renting, buying luxury goods, and traveling, (Neuharth). Currently, student loan debt can rarely be discharged in bankruptcy, meaning that high debt could potentially threaten students throughout their lives, even into old age where Social Security benefits could be garnished to pay for decades-old student debt. Without the need for student loans, the federal deficit will grow as quickly, (Samuels). Based on the report it is true that the most likely group to benefit most from the policy of eliminating tuition fee in public colleges based on the national representative data on in-state students in public institutions, ("Tuition-free college is getting bigger.

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Here's where it's offered"). Therefore, when they fail to gain access to college education, their dreams become shut. Since colleges provide individuals with a range of skills, it gives most college graduates an opportunity to get into fields which are not even related to what they studied in school, ("The first New Yorkers go to college tuition-free"). Indeed college education opens unanticipated opportunities that may not always be there for those that never reached a higher education level. Education has become a fundamental necessity in the human life today. This is because only the rich will afford to take their children up to college whereas the poor will just manage to attend primary and secondary schools thus making them not get good jobs as they don’t have the college education required in the job market, ("Tuition-free college is getting bigger.

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Here's where it's offered"). Free college tuition will, therefore, significantly help many of the students who cannot afford college tuition fees. College tuition should be provided to students because it will enable the students to give 100% of their attention to their studies, (Khadaroo). This is because due to the high rate of college tuition fees in the colleges, most students look for part-time or full-time jobs to cater for their necessities while in college which is food, a place to stay and the necessary material they require for their studies, ("Bernie Sanders still wants tuition-free college"). The country should also come up with community colleges whereby it will make the colleges more and increase the chances of the poor to attend the free community colleges, ("Tuition-free college is getting bigger.

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Here's where it's offered"). Free college tuition should be provided because by doing this the government would be investing their money in the future. This is because it will provide free college tuition for all the students such that when a student is in primary school, he or she will be highly motivated to study hard in school as they know that they will attend college if they attain the pass mark entry points for college. Free college tuition will enable majority students to study hard and pursue the course of their dreams, ("Bernie Sanders still wants tuition-free college"). As a matter of fact, it is true that there are many students that are locked out from accessing college education because of the costly tuition college fee, (Shankie).

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Free tuition for colleges will not only benefit just individual students but also the nation at large. With the highly competitive global economy education is an essential tool for both personal and national well-being, ("The first New Yorkers go to college tuition-free"). Therefore it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that every young person gets a college to avoid hundreds of thousands of bright young people failing to join college because they cannot afford, (Shankie). Refute It has always been discussed that higher education is not a key to inequality. The best way to handle the problems related to free Tuition College is by implementing the free tuition-free college based on the families’ income. In this case, the maximum income that a family needs to qualify for a tuition-free college should be reduced to $100,000.

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Federal loans and grants can be another solution but this might still result to increase the impact of student’s loan crisis. Therefore, it is better to focus on the only giving grants to those families that are below the $100,000 income level. Basically, the tuition-free college is trying to fix the college tuition pricing can be a problem of its own based on the ideas of economic crisis and child education policies. Free college tuition will, thus, enable most students whether they are poor or rich to manage to fulfill their dreams of studying what they want to pursue in college. A country will, therefore, benefit greatly by incorporating free college tuition since it will be investing in the future leaders, nurses, doctors, and lawyers.

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This will, thus, significantly improve a country socially since people will live in good houses, politically since there will be political analysts to ensure that they advise the politicians well. The state will also make sound decisions as the decision-making process will have more intelligent people, and it will be open to decisions by the public who will be learned. Free college tuition, therefore, has a significant advantage to the society and should, thus, be incorporated by many countries. Przybla. "Clinton, Sanders promote free college tuition in swing state visit. " USA Today, 29 Sept. 2016, p. 02A. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, http://link. galegroup. com/apps/doc/A441690176/OVIC?u=rock77357&sid=OVIC&xi d=ebfaae9f. Grier, D.  A. com/apps/doc/A491796604/OVIC?u=rock77357&sid=OVIC&xi d=f067d90d.

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