Type 2 diabetes research paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

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The prevalence of this disorder has been significantly higher in developing countries as the number of people who are continually falling victims of the disorder has been increasing exponentially. Type 2 diabetes, just like type 1 diabetes, hinders the body's ability to regulate blood sugar (glucose). The pancreas produces a hormone known as the insulin. This hormone is what enables blood cells to metabolize glucose into energy. Therefore, for an individual with type 2 diabetes, his/her pancreas secretes insulin hormone but their blood cells develop insulin resistance. From this fact, cross-sectional findings thus prove that not everyone with IGT will eventually develop type 2 diabetes. (Weyer, 1999). Therefore, insulin insensitivity has been described as an early symptom pointing towards a possible growth of type 2 diabetes.

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Additionally, the average functioning of the pancreas β-cell has on various occasions been reported to start declining, usually preceding clinical hyperglycemia. Other complications which have been associated with the development of diabetes include an unprecedented increase in non-esterified fatty acids and mitochondrial cell related dysfunction. These symptoms do vary from one case to another. After a considerable time period, an individual who is on track towards developing type diabetes starts experiencing other symptoms such as polyuria. This a condition where a person experiences excess (more than normal) urination volume within a span of one day. As much as the volume of urination per day usually depends on age, the normal amount is usually stated to be less than 2 liters per day.

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In some cases, excreting more than normal volumes of urine can also be termed as normal as long as it does the condition does not last for a long time. (Zheng, 2018). This journal also reveals that Asia is one of the regions where type 2 diabetes has been emerging rapidly into being an epidemic. Specifically, two top epicenters of type 2 diabetes are China and India. In the United States, the National Diabetes Statistics Report, which is a nationwide period publication used by the Disease and Control and Prevention department. This publication showcases annually updated information concerning diabetes around the USA. The National Diabetes Statistics report, therefore, recorded that in 2015 alone, 1. 5 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed among American people aged 18 years and above.

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Between the years 2011 and 2012, the report indicates that 5,300 teens aged 10 – 19 years were newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. During this period, new incidences of type 2 diabetes were exceedingly higher than those of type 1 diabetes. (NDSR, 2017). So as to curtail hepatic production of glucose, the pancreas secretes insulin which stimulates the consumption of glucose by the various peripheral tissues. This goes a long way in ensuring glucose homeostasis remains regulated. Type 2 diabetes usually comes into play when this simple system is broken down. In simple terms, type 2 diabetes is caused by the failure of the pancreatic β-cells due to different environmental factors and genetic inheritance. The latter concerns the genes which have been implicated as part the development of the pancreas, thus affecting insulin secretion.

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In fact, the occurrence of hypertension among people with type 2 diabetes is higher as compared to the general population. (Turner, 1998). During the treatment, intensive blood glucose control by either insulin or sulphonylureas can decrease micro-vascular complications but the macro-vascular disease will persist, among individuals with type 2 diabetes. Also, intensive treatment of this disease comes along increased risk of developing hypoglycemia. (UKPDS, 1998) Diagnosis In diagnosing type 2 diabetes, there are several methods which can be used to determine and classify the disease, for instance, if someone is to be considered prediabetes or diabetic. When the A1C test has been used, the doctor will also check on the patient's cholesterol levels using urine samples, liver function and also one's blood pressure will be established.

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(Mayo clinic staff, 2019) Treatment – Pharmacological, surgical and non-pharmacological After developing type 2 diabetes, there are several techniques which can be used to ensure that an individual manages to keep his/her condition within a stable range. The decision on which mode of medication to be applied depends on several factors such as the actual blood sugar level and also putting into account any other health problems that the patient may be having as at the point of diagnosis. A good number of people with type 2 diabetes end being in need of medication in the form of therapy. When applying the needed medication, the doctor might come up with different combinations of drugs constituted from different classes, meant to help the patient control their blood sugar levels.

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• The other means of handling the type diabetes is through a surgical process known as bariatric surgery. This is a kind of a surgical procedure meant to help in weight loss. This surgery is done so as to restrict the amount of ingested food that the stomach can hold at a specific time. Type 2 diabetes patient with a BMI greater than 35 as mostly recommended to undertake this surgery. Finally, in the case where the patient is still within the early stages of the infection, non-pharmacological medication can be recommended to them. The nursing interventions include maintaining high fluid (water) intake, always checking on the vital things such as blood pressure and weight. Nursing diagnosis for general muscle weakness indicated by symptoms such as activity intolerance, tiredness etc.

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Nursing interventions may include determining the exact muscles indicating weaknesses, checking on muscle strength on given intervals etc. Patient education This is a process of ensuring that the person suffering from a specific disease is made to be more conversant with his/her condition by sharing some details concerning the problem. Like in this context, patient education involves questions such as; 1. Peril factors adding to type 2 diabetes and late advances in the treatment and balancing activity. Worldwide journal of remedial sciences, 11(11), 1185. Weyer, C. , Bogardus, C. , Mott, D. Type 2 diabetes: models of pathogenesis and treatment. The Lancet, 365(9467), 1333-1346. Ramachandran, A. Know the signs and symptoms of diabetes. The Indian journal of remedial research, 140(5), 579. National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017. Assessments of Diabetes and its Burden in the United States.

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