Types of Intelligence

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Through this ideology, I got to discover the type of intelligence I am good at and perform best; that is interpersonal intelligence. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and relate well with other people (Akbari and Hosseini 145). Ideally, it encompasses verbal and non-verbal communication, the ability to recognize differences among people, ability to become sensitive to the temperaments and dispositions of others and the ability to accommodate diverse viewpoints (Martin). I am so good at interacting and tend to understand other people’s emotions and motives very easily. Moreover, I often tend to give a listening ear to every other person’s perspective even when their ideas conflict my own opinion. With flexibility, I will be able to gain momentum and probably attain the ability to coordinate my mind and body.

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Work Cited Brualdi Timmins, Amy C. Multiple Intelligences: Gardner's theory. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation Vol 5. No. Types of Intelligence and How to Find the One You Are Best In.  Cleverism, 2 June 2017, www. cleverism. com/types-of-intelligence/.

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