Understanding buyer behavior

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

These can increase the market patterns besides tribe, economic factors and cultural forces. The paper will also examine how organizations achieves their set goals and objectives. To develop an effective theory of relationship marketing, it is necessary to understand what motivates consumers to reduce their available market choices and engage in a relational market behavior by patronizing the same marketer in subsequent choice situations. It will further examine how fear campaigns can influence consumer motives and behavior. In general, research indicates that higher levels of evoked fear tend to be persuasive at changing attitudes as well as intentions. Buyer behavior is also globally affected in a way that customers are different and they have different culture, preference, economy and class. This will help marketers in analyzing the environment by identifying opportunities and fighting threats, designing marketing mix, designing a marketing strategy and targeting and positioning the market.

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This determines what is acceptable with product advertising and it is a big impact on international marketing that it could either lead to increased customer demands, increased global mobility and connectivity or vice-versa. SOCIAL INFLUENCES The thoughts, reactions and actions of persons are influenced by other people or groups. Social influences may be represented by peer pressure, persuasion, marketing, sales and conformity. When he gets married and starts a family, most of his buying decisions are taken by the entire family. Some membership groups are called secondary groups and they include religious, professional groups that tend to be more formal. ROLE IN THE SOCIETY Each person plays a dual role in the society depending on the group he/she belongs to.

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For example, an individual working as CEO with a alleged firm is both a father and husband at home. The buying tendency of individuals depends on the role he plays in the society. Since the beginning of this mankind, this emotional state has evolved as a survival mechanism to protect humans from life-threatening situations and due to the circuits in our brain, fear is often times more powerful than reason. According to Donovan & Henley (2003), there are two types of fear: anticipatory and inhibitory. The former is elicited by exposure to vivid, horrible images while the latter results from arousing the individual's anticipation of what is likely to happen if they ignore the recommended course of action. It has not been concluded whether one is more appropriate than the other, however, theorist suggests that health communications should arouse anticipatory rather than inhibitory fear since they must establish a link between the threat presented and the person's willingness to continue the bad behavior.

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The worry attractiveness is increasing in quality and may be used for a range of functions, significantly if there are a unit consequences for not getting a product. Snipes et al. (1999) found that perceived ethicality had a big impact on the consumer's angle towards a billboard. The worry attractiveness is increasing in quality and will be used for a spread of functions, considerably if there square measure consequences for not obtaining a product. As an example, if you sell fireplace devices associate degreed your advertising strategy is to entails but you may save your members of the family lives if you've Associate in nursing device throughout a fire, you are appealing to a worry in customers that if they are doing not purchase a fire device, they are risking their family members' lives.

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Marketers square measure achieving with this as a results of worry area unit usually a decent motive. (1999) found that perceived ethicality had a giant impact on the consumer's angle towards an advert. Fear messages often ignore the potential benefits people may see in engaging in an unhealthy behavior. Fear appeals often tell people what they already know, which can make them redundant and therefore ineffective. For example, most young people know that smoking cigarette can cause serious health problems, yet many still begin smoking. Using a scare tactic to tell them that smoking is bad for their health may cause an emotional reaction. It will are criticized as being unethical, artful, consumptive, eliciting fortuitous responses from people and exposing viewers to offensive pictures.

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Moreover, intellectual suggests that arousing worry could even have the other result, particularly once wont to persuade individuals to abandon on anxiety-soothing behaviors like smoking, overeating, drug and drug abuse (Brennan, 2012). Once firms area unit making advertisements and visual communications area unit targeted on persuading audiences through the worry charm, they use pictures and phrasing designed specifically to evoke worry or concern. For instance, the celebrated no-smoking ads wherever individuals had developed serious deforming diseases from smoking. The pictures of individuals with holes in their throats, missing teach, ruined vocal cords and carcinoma were designed to form individuals worry to smoke. Thus, marketers have understood the impact of emotional appeals and use the power of the skill in winning the consumer behavior.

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Highlighting their flaws to consumers is the second method which makes them have no doubt in marketing process. This creates confidence in their product. Repositioning competition strategies is the third psychological tactic to win consumers behavior. The battle to win consumers mind is very limited because some customers have their brain for certain products and services. ANALYSING A CASE A recent health campaign against processed meat product from Republic of South Africa was broadcasted to all or any countries that import these product. During this campaign, the Africa Republic of south Africa and the African government was golf stroke across the very fact that these processed meat product were an inductive agent of an explicit sickness that had killed tons of individuals in South Africa.

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During this campaign, the organization accountable was preying on people's fears of health complications to be associate degree influencing issue thus on avoid the acquisition of those product. However, the South African government failed to take into consideration the very fact that the messages being broadcasted outside their country might not have the meant result. From this state of affairs, we tend to understand that peoples getting behavior victimization the concern charm campaign particularly globally has to think about however their recipients can receive the messages being express. Understanding the impacts on consumer behavior is an actual tool in industries especially in a world or international markets. Looking for support of those around us is something that we all experience in all dimensions.

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The problems with psychological and social influences are subtle and complex to pinpoint. Their relatives and friend's condemnation or approval and also their general behavioral patterns normally do affect the way we see certain goods or services presented to us. Marketers should be aware that consumers in different social economic grounds, cultures and classes creates interests by a wide variety of factors that need to be taken into account. This is because social media or e commerce is the major growing system of trade which needs a good control and contact in order to maintain consumers behavior. REFERENCES Alex, 2009. https://www1. udel. edu. n. Juneja, P. Social Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior. Management Study Guide Content Tea. Junming Huang, X. H. Coelho et al.

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