United States Entry into World War II Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

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The Axis countries were advantaged over the Allies at the beginning because of the weak European democracy as opposed to fascism and American isolation from the rest of the world. The US got into the war when Japan bombed her fleet on the 7th December 1941 at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The US success in the war is attributed to Franklin Roosevelt, her president. In the November of 1939, he persuaded his congressmen to have a repeal of the neutrality law. This was in order to allow Britain and France purchases their military arms. Dwight D. Eisenhower, a general, executed an affront in Western Europe against the Nazis. His efforts were supplemented by other generals, Douglas MacArthur and Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, who both led an attack in the Pacific.

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The Auschwitz Birkenau controversy surrounding the bombing of the gas chamber crematoria and the rail passages to them had its roots in 1944. The Jews sought help from the British and the US because the Nazis were deporting the Hungarian Jews in order to occupy their country. Their appeal never saw the light of day because it was met with objection from the Air Ministry. Studies show that the results and consequences of the war were many. The gravest of them, is the loss of lives. Many militants, civilians and Jews died. The countries that got involved in the war began a mass production of nuclear weapons. The giving up of the Nazi in May 1945 almost at the end of World War II led to the discomfort that characterized the wartime liaison between the Great Britain and the US on one side and the Soviet Union on the other.

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The Soviet had begun taking control of Eastern Europe by 1948. It started by establishing a left – wing governance in the countries of Eastern Europe that had been set free by the Red Army. This posed a threat to the US and Britain who foresaw the spread of communism to Western Europe. The Soviets were prepared to guard against another threat by Germany. However, the stalemate never died completely. A Warsaw Pact was initiated in 1955 that saw the admission of West Germany into NATO. The Cold War transformed to another stage in 1958 – 62. The Soviet Union and the US developed ballistic missiles which the Soviets installed in Cuba. From there, the Soviets could bomb America Cities secretly. The civil rights agitation spread to other colleges in the South.

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Though many of the agitators were arrested for trespass and chaos, their action had a lasting impression. Woolworth and other establishments dropped their racial prejudices. United States War and Involvement in Vietnam In the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday of 1968, Viet Cong forces and North Vietnamese attacked various targets in South Vietnam. America and South Vietnam militaries suffered tremendous losses from the communists. Both sides incurred heavy casualties and losses though they all claimed triumph. The combined effort of the US and South Vietnamese almost annihilated the NLF and repossessed the lost territory. Simultaneously, the domestic support for John became fragile. The US media aggravated it by informing the public that a victory over Vietnam was farfetched. Johnson had to come up with a new strategy as opposed to the one that was suggested by his military leaders.

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The Vietnamization strategy had its limitations for it weakened the South Vietnam military. It could not sustain any offensive from the communists. Three military operations depict the negative impact of the strategy: the invasion of Cambodia in 1970 by the combined US and South Vietnam armed forces, Laos affront in 1971 by the South Vietnam troops and the Communist Easter attack of 1972. The South Vietnam troops had many problems: poor training, lack of promotions and low morale. These challenges flawed the Vietnamization strategy. This led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. President George Bush just watched the happenings in the Soviet Union. The reactive Policy in America could not allow him to interfere with. Bush departed from his predecessor, Ronald Reagan in his dealings with the USSR.

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He came up with his strategy of dealing with the USSR as regards arms control. The control of Moscow and the retention of power by the Communist party pressured him to keep the USSR stable. The annihilation of the Communist governments in Eastern Europe compelled the Baltic States and the Caucasus to demand for freedom from Moscow. Consequently, war erupted in Latvia and Lithuania in January 1991. Gorbachev sent his army to curtail the democratic undertaking, something that did not augur well with Bush. Bush was forced to rethink on the policy that could curtail the upheaval witnessed in the USSR in 1991. How Racism is presented in the Film The movie Get out does not explore and present any standard horror film with an African American protagonists, the director does not subvert the hoary trope that alludes that the black guy will die first.

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However, he complexly and elaborately laden the movie with tropes such as; mind control, unorthodox medical experiments and suburban racism. He utilizes the tropes to get the audience to feel the struggles of the black men and women. When Chris is faced by the reality that he had fallen victim to communal plot that abducted black women and men and performed medical experiments with their brains, he is left with an option of escape, and Get Out depicts open violence. The American mainstream culture acknowledges violence only heroic in certain and specific socially accepted contexts. Another difference noticed by the difference in racism learnt is that, during the early slavery days, resistances and rallies against racism and ethnicity were ruthlessly thwarted and were considered sinful and disgraceful as black people were minorities and were looked down upon by the whites, however, in the movie get out, Chris finally resorts to violence and it is portrayed as an empowering and cathartic moment.

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