US Fourteenth Amendment essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

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The amendment restored the status of the United States through the equal protection under the law regardless of the people’s sex, race, social status or even the religion. Those slaves who had just been set free needed to be protected by this amendment yet the white race benefited the most. The three amendments altogether were passed so that the people of America would basically change the set-up of the society by ensuring that all citizens born within the United States have full and equal rights to the American laws. The bill of rights of individuals against the state freed the African American by granting them the hope to explore the alternatives now that the act of slavery had been termed as illegal in theory. The amendment necessarily helped the white race who took the advantage of the decreed freedom in order for them to be able to reunite their families, to come up with institutional training as well as the building up of the learning centres.

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This included the black codes which were the laws imposed locally and the other one was the creation of a sharecropping system (Jones et al, 391). The fourteenth amendment was very key and important to the nation of the United States since their main goal was to ensure that the slaves were freed and granted the American citizenship in order for them to partake in the equal rights. Upon it being ratified on ninth July 1868, the African Americans were not so much privileged as intended hence the white race were also somehow faced by some challenges. This affected mostly the poor white race whereas their men felt indirect competition from the African American people. The felt deceived yet with no piece of land for them to redistribute while their women worked together in passing the expansion of the notion of “the people”.

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The land could neither be transferred and this was wrong as it violated the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment. The Asian Americans and the African Americans were hated as they faced the challenge of racism. The clear comparison between the treat this two groups received is in the sense that the African Americans were like servants to the whites while Asian immigrants were denied equal rights by not having an opportunity to own land and property (Jones et al, 533). The fourteenth amendment Supreme Court rulings seemed to be solemnly driven by the due process clause which administered justice by ensuring all the people have equal civil liberty yet the equal protection clause was focused on the protection of the African Americans and other minority groups against the discrimination from those who felt superior.

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These groups of people were discriminated to an extent of working more than ten hours per day or more than sixty hours per week. The fourteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States was concluded to have been implemented with the intent of equalizing the Americans irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, race and their social classes. The clause was introduced so as to enable the people of America to be able to adhere to the idea of structuring and restoring the nation into its previous form before the civil wars. This reconstruction amendment was effective mostly at the national level than at the state level. The Supreme Court failed to protect the rights of the people of the color whenever they appealed as they seemed blinded by the state’s constitutional laws.

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The white Americans were more privileged than the African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans as well as the Hispanic and the Latino. Page. Struggle for Democracy, The. Pearson, 2015. Jones, Jacqueline, et al. Created Equal: A History of the United States.

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