Use of the digital media technology to work out a project website

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

Document 1

The main issues we noticed in the brief is whether London is an open city. Through employing a series of digital methods— data scraping, data visualization and non-digital methods— content analysis, interview, questionnaire, the main finding of our project is the openness of London do exist some limitations in terms of economy, ethnicity, art, and intellectualization. Even if the campaign wants to convey that London is an open-minded city where minorities should be embraced and discrimination should not be tolerated. In the process of approaching the critical issue, I have acquired new knowledge and experiences in regard to particular methods, a certain concept, and digital media. Thus, the aim of this paper is to reflect what I have learned from the group project and how did the project shift my understanding of digital media.

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For example, in our group project, we used data scraping as our main research methods to collect extensive data which is used in our content analysis. When we prepared to analyze the ethnic diversity of London, we used data scraping to harvest mass of data from Twitter, YouTube as well news report from Guardian, BBC, Evening Standard (Chandler, & Munday, 2016). Through data scraping, we got nearly 900 tweets from Twitter, 64 comments from YouTube videos and 138 comments from a news report. And from these data we gathered, we attempted to classify the sentiment of these tweets and comments into positive or negative by extracting keywords and analyzing the content. From the process of analyzing specific issues, I gradually find that data scraping is an essential data analysis method due to data scraping is the basis for our project.

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This means I can collect a large amount of data just for a simple click. Though data scraping tools have many strengths, their drawbacks are even more outstanding. There are a number of limitations that create the boundaries in the data scrapping tools ought to be used. One of the most obvious disadvantages that I realized when using this particular digital method is that if the data being extracted is too long or bulky, then a lot of time is consumed and this may delay operations in cases where the data was urgently needed. I realized that if one needs to access large volumes of data then enough time should be kept aside for the data to be extracted successfully. According to data visualization, a lot of change has been experienced in the manner to which analysts work and manipulate data and this has enabled them to respond to issues more promptly and efficiently.

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There exists a variety of data visualization techniques which include the use of charts, infographics, data visualization software, use of graphs and the use of pictures (Aparicio, & Costa, 2015, 10). For example, we used data visualization techniques in our project to organize the huge amount data we had extracted from Twitter, Facebook, and even YouTube to enable proper content analysis. Particularly, we represented the information we had extracted using pie chart and a graph so as to establish the various ethnic groups within London. As a group, we used data visualization techniques to present the data we had collected in form of tweets from twitter, and comments from Facebook and Twitter. In addition, since different analysts may draw different insights on a certain piece of data, it might generate confusions on which option is the best to go for hence slowing down the operations of the content analysis or settling for the wrong decision (Kirk, 2012).

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Overly, by practically making use of the digital data analysis method in our project made me learn their usefulness in analyzing large sets of data. It also made me discover some of the weaknesses that come along and the need for improvement in these methods. The necessity of data analysis method in digital media I gradually begin to acknowledge the necessity of data analysis in digital media study. From the project, I realized that with the vastly growing technology there was the need to sieve the large volumes of data being supplied in most internet websites in a quest to seek the most appropriate data or rather information (Hayles, 2012). g. Twitter, Face Book, and YouTube among others. With the proper understanding of the use of these digital media then it becomes easy to control our present and at the same time make predictions of our own future.

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Conclusion In conclusion, this paper has discussed how I made use of the digital media technology to work out a project website. It is beyond doubt that my experience and exposure to digital media in the course of tackling our group projected has greatly shifted my understanding of digital media. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Couldry, N. Media, society, world: Social theory and digital media practice. Polity. Din, M.

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