Using Strengths to Increase Motivation

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Personally, I enjoy working efficiently and keep a positive attitude all through. Being optimistic ensures that I do not give up nor lose hope easily, I keep on with the struggle in order to attain my set goals. I soar above my limits and do not let anything interfere with my focus, be it a stressful period caused by my personal or professional issues. I am the kind of person who will always get back up and join the race no matter how far I am left behind or losing. My optimism gives me the strength to believe that no situation is too difficult for my capability, therefore, I am not a quitter. This strategy will enable you to create a concise and proper argument of your abilities.

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Practice makes perfect, when you keep practicing and working on your strengths it allows you to become more efficient and competent in what you do, thus, it is important to create a means by which you can assess these abilities. Gathering information also becomes important when in need of advancing a career, hence, by asking of your improvements from your superiors cuts it. Whether the gathered information is positive or negative it is as important it helps you to know on the various areas that you can improve on and those that you are best at. These strategies give you that cutting edge when in need of a career advancement. To ascertain myself of performance I often ask my manager what I can work on to improve on my job.

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At one time he told me that I was good at what I was doing, however, I needed my own my area, which meant that I needed to motivate myself while performing my duties. This conversation brought clarity to my mind and I realized that to own my area I needed to work without expecting any help from anyone. I needed to work on a controlled pace and mind. With the realization that I get to know every now and then I keep myself motivated and in a positive attitude. As I said earlier, everything today is a competition and therefore, failure to improve on job satisfaction employers face the risk of losing their best employees to more competitive and job satisfactory employers.

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Thus, it falls on the employers to come up with methods that improve job satisfaction, hence, improving on performance. There are a few ways to improve on job satisfaction and they include: a) Provision of a suitable and positive working environment. To ensure that this factor is implemented, an employer needs to understand and know more about their employees (Blakely-Gray, 2017). In this case, they need to assess and improve on employee satisfaction. When there is a continuous and never ending assessment of job satisfaction, loop holes are seen and prevented. Therefore, it helps in determining the progress and improvement areas of the organization. When all these factors are incorporated and enhanced, performance and productivity are affected positively. • Discuss at least 5 of the following motivational theories and explain how these can aid in job performance: Extrinsic motivation This is a kind of motivation that is driven by external factors.

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It involves giving money, praises and rewards to a person as a means of motivating them (Bernazzani, 2017). According to McClelland every person has a trait in either of the three elements and they define how a person can perform. In job performance these elements are important. In the achievement element an employee is recognized and praised for a certain responsibility (Warrilow, 2010). This gives this employee some pride and motivation. In the power element a person who holds some influence over the others can be promoted and in doing so he enjoys power and therefore motivated to bring more on the table and lastly the affiliation element, this involves people who feel a need to be friendly and close to other workers.

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