Vaccine Promotion in School Age Children

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

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The main problem in these cases is higher risks of infections resulting from improper immunization practices, which poses additional risk factors such as disease occurrence, constant hospital visits, and longer hospital stays. This problem is attributed to a higher number of non-immunized children within the schools. The evidence to the diagnosis statement can be drawn from the statistical data from schools, which avails information on the number of non-immunized children per school. The nursing diagnosis statement is applicable to the determination of suitable intervention for the patient. they also help identify the client’s needs, problems and expected response. The health disparities are influenced by factors such as poverty, environmental threats, individual and behavioral factors, inadequate access to health care and inequalities in education. Such factors have a greater influence on one’s health.

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Majority of the children who reported not to have completed their vaccination schedules hail from lower income earning families or families with a background of little education. Such children also record higher incidence of polio or measles infection during their lifetimes. Such happenings are contrary to children brought by educated parents, rather parents who have achieved higher educations and are from higher income earning families. The insurance organizations such as Medicaid have also made it easy in that parents do not have to pay for the services, as the immunization programs wholly rely on what the insurance provides. Some of the primary community resources available in Parker County District Hospital is the schools, which offer a favorable site for vaccinating the children (‘PCHD notes’). Also, it is in the school that a good number of children can be captured, allowing for vaccination of a good number of them.

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This is made better by ensuring the vaccination days are on school days so that parents do not have to worry about additional travel expenses to school. The human resources that enable the vaccine promotion include the health workers at the PCHD who mainly carry out the vaccination activity. Most parents in Parker County hold the belief that vaccination causes autism amongst other health defects, as a result, most of the parents hold their children back from getting the recommended vaccines. Insufficient education is another factors, parents with minimal education stand lower chances of understanding the importance of completing all the vaccination dosage as scheduled. Such parents do not have the accurate information on the time and issue of particular vaccinations and their resultant health benefit, resulting to failure to cooperate with the vaccination programs (‘PCHD notes’).

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Negligence and mere laziness is also an obstacle as most parents fail to comply out of mere laziness and lack of strong will to pursue ideal health practices. Parker County Hospital District is the only hospital that provides immunization services in the whole of Parker County, that could be a resulting factor to the lower rates of immunization because being the only institute there is a chance they could be overwhelmed resulting to little coverage (‘PCHD notes’). Eliminating barriers to accessing immunization would contribute to increased coverage. Such include issuing vaccination without direct patient pay to make it affordable. Vaccines should be provided at no cost to the families. Insurance companies such as Medicaid indicate continuous vaccination of children as part of preventive care. Insurance coverage results to the covered children getting vaccination with ease, and also reduced the incidence of payment at the point of services.

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Home visit is an evidence-based practice for improving vaccine coverage, although it requires input of a lot of resources. Similar to school visits both practices aim at increasing the number of immunized children in an attempt to prevent chances of infection. Issuing incentives to families and clients have also been shown to increase the number of people coming out to acquire vaccination, little token results to people coming out in large numbers since they feel motivated to undertake the activity. Providing incentives acts as one method of increasing the demand for immunization, to the vaccine providers’ incentives boosts their morale for better performance, which in the end translates to vaccine promotion among the school-age going children. B2b. Orenstein et al, 2018). Texas record much lower rates of vaccination when compared to that of the state due to reports of exemptions which result from children whose medical condition renders them unfit to participate in the activity and those whose parents do not comply to vaccination due to religious beliefs.

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In Parker County instance of incomplete vaccination coverage in low socioeconomic regions is still recorded, as experienced in the nation. However, in Parker parents do not have to pay for their vaccination directly, the insurance and Medicaid helps them cover the expenses (‘PCHD notes’). The primary hindrance to complete vaccination in Parker is that parents hold misconceptions about vaccination, while some of them are lazy. Determining the follower’s growth rate. The third objective is to strengthen engagement plans to enhance the loyalty of the audience, this would help ensure the followers are consistent. Children friendly adverts such as the use of cartoons can then be used or a narration of positive experience due to vaccination could also motivate parents. Monitoring Clients feedback is also essential to facilitate the improvement of the side of vaccine providers, getting to capture client’s opinion regarding service delivery is necessary to establish client satisfaction and or complains (Pagano & Bennet, 2013).

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The fifth objective would be to convert the social media followers into actual clients. While educating the masses common misconceptions regarding vaccination such as the development of autism should be addressed with scientific facts. Proper education would result in people having accurate facts and knowing the reason behind their operations. The second population focused marketing intervention I would employ is practicing effective evaluation and follow-up. This is to ensure the set objectives are met. Evaluation can be done in form of seeking client feedback, to know their perception basing on service delivered. Facebook offers a greater chance of connecting with people, with a majority of the users being 18years old above. Teenagers do not frequent Facebook as often as compared to their older counterparts. Because of promotion, vaccine strategies among the school Age children mainly target them as the primary audience, Facebook is the most preferable site (Nauert, 2015).

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Facebook provides equal opportunities for interaction amongst all genders, meaning both male and female parents and guardians get equal chances of using the platform (Nauert, 2015). Data on income and education demographics indicate that Facebook users are both educated and of a sustaining income, making them a suitable audience as they can easily perceive the intended content during vaccine promotion. The groups formed on Facebook could have an unlimited number of people, including vaccine promoters. People from different social economic grounds and of varying demographics characteristics are all in an opposition to air their views. In the facebook groups and platforms, the public can comment and raise their opinions and concerns while the vaccine promotes answer them instantly. The answers could be individual based or general. Comments issued by the vaccine providers are thus official echoed from the ministry of health (Nauert, 2015).

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Facebook has also been able to launch Facebook live videos, which can offer tutorials to promote vaccination. The app also has instant articles that the public can read from to get more knowledgeable. Also, Facebook notifies people on upcoming events, which is a good chance for vaccine promoters to remind people of their vaccination program to take place at particular times and places. Facebook is also associated with instant feedback, allowing for easy decision making. The availability of chat box adds to the convenience as the public is able to use messenger (DeMers, 2014). In addition, the health expert can give them immediate feedbacks (DeMers, 2014). The public also get to discuss several issues and concerns in the Facebook groups such as the misconceptions surrounding vaccination practices, all which can be scientifically addressed by the medical experts with proof from research and actual practices, Parents and guardians are also able to download articles, which they can read and obtain knowledge on vaccination and immunization, they can also use the Facebook videos to watch tutorials on vaccination, all which leave them much knowledgeable (Nauert, 2015).

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Also, as a number of users comment and air their opinions on Facebook platforms, other users get to learn even more. Practical life scenario can also be put up by willing people among the target audience and such actions act as a push towards obtaining the vaccination. Facebook users are constantly reminded of upcoming events; this means that those planning to partake in vaccination activities will always be reminded of upcoming schedules (Nauert, 2015). Some of the best practices to be put into consideration while developing content on Facebook are discussed below. The vaccine promoters should ensure content is short and precise, easy to understand language should be used. Facebook posts should be limited to not more than 250 characters in order to fit into the news feed, such would also ensure users do not tire of reading Facebook posts (‘Facebook guidelines’).

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On comments, 1000 or fewer characters should be used and such should contain links to authorized sites for further information, such links could be government resources or the CDC to add onto ones’ knowledge. Suitable web links should be noted and a single URL be used with the most preferable choice being the CDC website or other CDC related multimedia to assist in directing users to obtain more accurate information on vaccination (‘Facebook Guidelines’). The last best practice is an evaluation to establish the success of vaccine promotion attempts. E1. Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities For a successful social media marketing strategy, there needs to be a defined role for the stakeholders (Lee & Kotler, 2015). For one, there should be the social media manager who makes a vital decision such as the platform of preference, type of content, the frequency of sharing and posting and adjusting strategies to meet the standard needs.

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Second is the content creator who settles on the content to be applied, ranging from blog posts, infographics, memes and Gifs, quote cards and video content, this role requires many skills and should be allocated with precision, though assistance might be required. Potential Public and Private Partnerships Vaccine promotion would require both the public and private sector to work in conjunction for optimum success (‘PCHD notes’). The private entities partnering with the government have indicated much fruit in the healthcare delivery sector. Some of the public entities would include the government’ Ministry of Health that caters for some of the financial concerned regarding vaccine delivery. The private entity works as a multisector market providing a wide range of assistance. The private entities normally work to provide competency in technology, medical devices, private health insurers and funding managers.

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Most information found in the basic information section are found here. Next on Facebook timeline is the milestone that entails major events and occurrences relevant to the CDC and vaccine promotion milestone is a record of the progressive nature of the co-operation and should begin with the period of foundation Pin post is also availed on Facebooks timeline, such posts are pinned on top of Facebook timelines for a given duration in order to indicate significant links and posts. Their basic function is to enhance engagement of fans to the posts and promotion contents. During campaign or events, it is recommended as posts that would attract the public’s attention. Use of star stories on the Facebook timeline is also recommended. Evaluation There is a need to evaluate the success of the social media marketing, as this would help determine if the set objectives are met.

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One way is to observe the link clicks, in order to be able to determine the level of engagement of the public. One is also able to tell that the public is interested in knowing more about the topic (James, 2012). Another evaluation strategy is checking on the reach versus impression to establish the number of people who get to see a post and the number of times the post was viewed. Analysis of platform engagement is another strategy that could be applied to evaluate the success of the social media health promotion (McKay, 2017). Constant evaluation should be done then adjustments made in order to achieve positive results. F. Reflection on Social Media Marketing The social media to be used in the vaccine promotion is Facebook, which records the highest number of users translating to a large multitude being able to access the app.

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Also, most people have Facebook accounts and being a site for social interaction, high frequent visits are recorded (Graze et al, 2014). As a result, a majority of the population are able to get the intended information. This would have prepared me technically to handle health promotion strategies by use of social media. I would be able to learn the significance and expected outcomes of health promotion depending on actions put across. Reference DeMers Jayson (2014), “Forbes; The Top Ten Benefits of Social Media Marketing” https://www. google. com/amp/s/www. Nov 3,2017. cdc. gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6643a3. htm?s-cid=mm6643a3-w Graze et all (2014), “Learning Analytics for the Social Media age. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (pp. Kotler. “Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for good”.

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Sage Publications. McKay Bob (2017), Forbes; The Six Most Effective Social Media Metrics to Understand Your Campaign’s Success”. https:www. “Measles and Rubella Global Strategic Plan 2012-2020 midterm Review, Vaccine, 36. A1-A34. Pagano, S. Bennet, G. G.

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