Van Manen Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Max Van Manen was brought up and born in 1942 in Hilversum, Netherlands. Here is where he finished the academy of state pedagogical with some qualifications in teaching for all the levels (k-12) and also a major in English teaching as the second language. He then migrated to Canada in 1967 where he taught for quite a number of years with public schools called Edmontonand further he went to complete Med in 1971 and PhD in 1973 in the University of Alberta under the education faculty. In 1973 he was then given the Canadian citizenship. Max van mane has some great ties in three universities in Canada. Phase 1. The research method of the phenomenological development The perspectives of theoretical and the methodology of variety of proposals research are placed in a model of phenomenological of science of human ,the inquiry is described first in the 1990/1997 Researching Lived Experiencebook: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy.

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At the explication of the qualitative methodology research a bridge had to be built to separate theNorth Americans who are more pragmatic approach to the research and the West European traditions who are more interpretive. Thus what makes the approach of North Americans pragmatically more is that issue of it being methods-driven; contrary, the tradition of continental greatly left implicit the procedures of methodological research. The methodological issues that are ongoing have continued to be put in discussions and developments under Max Van Manen of 1992/1995/ 1997a/ 1997b/ 1999a/ 1999b/ 2001/2002b/ 2005/ 2006/. The council of Canada provided funds that allowed the finishing of the book of The Tact of Teaching : The Pedagogical Thoughtfulness meaning in 1991 In the year 1992, a three year old SSHRCresearch strategic grant supported the project of “Human science in education”.

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This project had to involve an application in the model of human science that was developed in discussions in phase 1, and the reflections of pedagogical concept and pedagogical tact and pedagogical thoughtfulness discussed in phase 2, to an upgradedintegrated project of research-writing involving practitioners of various rank or levels of institutions in education sector. This model of research nearly connects the research of practice (including collecting of data, textual construction and protocols interpretation) with the skill of writing. Moreover, this work brought up rise in several papers of research and a brand publication of Researching Lived Experiencenewly edited. Phase 3. There is different method on how van manen’s approached the study, but I have with me philosophical methods, human science methods and philological methods that he might have commonly used. Philosophical method Under this method he focused on experience lived as an application of it hence inquiry of phenomenological; the reduction.

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Furthermore this method is a ‘leading back’ method to the way in which a phenomenon that is recognized is experienced. The reduction involves a reflective attentiveness, radical questioning attitude taken up to a way in which the world is experienced. As it is evident this notion under the reduction method is somehow cumbersome and hard as articulated in many various ways in literature of philosophy. so though the decision might be from the homeless person quoted as ‘my decision’may bring some contradictions if its truly a wish or decision on his living condition, hence should just be treated accordingly well by the health officials since it might be a problem he/she can be encountering. Or further the health sectors should come up with practitioners which may perform a perfect duty developing critical understandings of the different experiences encountered.

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References. • https://www. routledge.

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