Various leadership roles that are essential in the 21st century

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

The paper outlines various issues that are relevant in the 21st century that have managed to intimidate the leadership skills of various leaders in different organizations. It also recognizes the emerging trends in some countries to improve some sectors relevant to the improvement of organizations by the formulation of goals and visions. Good sources in form of relevant articles and journals have been used to come up with this research. Introduction Every organization, large or small requires the presence of a leader. Leadership in terms of organizations can simply be defined as a person’s ability to guide members of an organization on the right path by determining what is best for the company. ” (Maxwell 2007) General Leadership Roles As I pursue my dream of being a competent leader in society there are a number of skills that I acknowledge I need to learn.

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One of them is good communication skills. ("Key Components of Organizational Leadership | TDK Technologies", 2019) Communication is the act of passing across important information to members in a particular organization. The ability to communicate effectively comes with various advantages such as members of the organization will be able to understand the information effectively and there will be no confusion among members concerning certain matters. It is not all about passing information but passing across quality information effectively. This calls for a sense of responsibility by the leader. How I will approach my responsibility as a leader is a great determinant of whether or not members will accord me proper respect in the organization. A leader should play the role of assuming responsibility for both good and bad that happens in an organization.

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(Chu, 2009) Say for instance in my position as a leader I decide to take the road of pointing fingers and evading responsibility for all the failures that have occurred in an organization. Both colleagues and employees in the organization will lose respect for me and a leader that is not respected by the organization is not likely to last long in an organization. It is due to this reason that countries have decided to come up with visions that are intended to improve private sectors and a number of industries. One notable example is Saudi Arabia which intends to partner and team up with a number of organizations with the aim of improving their welfare. ("Foreword | Saudi Vision 2030", 2019) When I attain certain level of leadership in my career, I will seize such an opportunity and make great use of it by carefully evaluating the predicted benefits likely to occur.

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In order to see such visions and aspirations get to be achieved, my roles as a leader will be put to the test throughout the course of this career. Today, organizations are being faced by a number of predicaments some of which have been persistent for a very long time. Knowing when to enact change can really be a big dilemma. Technology continues to evolve at a very fast rate and being able to keep up is quite a challenge. A good example is a shift from traditional marketing into digital marketing. In the digital era, organizations are seen offering their goods and services on an online platform. This is obviously a crisis for companies that are not yet accustomed to the new wave of customer service.

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(Chu, 2009) One single wrong move by a leader to make biased decisions can make the issue be one relating to diversity. Sex, gender, and race are some of the aspects of diversity that I have come across in various situations. A situation whereby an organization seems to favor the male gender in terms of promotions and assignment of important roles is bound to bring unnecessary conflict within the organization. This in the long run will cause unnecessary attention on the organization and once the public and media are involved, handling the scandal can be a great challenge to the management board. It is therefore wise for leaders to be conscious of such issues especially in this day and age whereby a single wrong move by a well-known organization may lead to its collapse.

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