Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

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Currently, there are several vocational training that is aimed at improving the lives of over 2000 students across different ethnic communities. The main aim of VICSEG is to address all the migrant needs of the young people and their families. This is done by having programmes that offer support, training and assistance to these families while also advising migrant families on how best to use any available funds in improving their lives. Finally, through communication and cooperation between different migrant groups, a more united environment that fosters young children is created. VICSEG has helped in creating a community where refugees feel at home away from home, all this while creating great opportunities for the children, young people, adults and even the old migrants to improve their lives and have a future.

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There are a number of schools that have accepted students into their schools and with the support of VICSEG they have assisted the students in achieving the extraordinary (Sharples & Keast, 2017). The Refugee Student Engagement and Support Program has been successful because it has been more like a partnership between schools which have staff members that ensure students attendance, students and their families that offered support to the program, and mentors that trained the students and equipping them with skills and strategies that assist them with their milestones. The success of the program is weighed by the student’s ability to achieve their personalized set milestones within the time frame of the program. The milestones mostly included academic goals and skills, school engagement, life skills and career choices.

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Some milestones were achievable within the set period but the program offers the ability of a student to roll over some milestones to their next term or semester. Despite the desires and potential being different in every young refugee, most of them share the desire to be accepted into their new societies and have a decent home that they and their loved ones can live in. Not having the needed assistance and opportunity to achieve this desire prevents the realization of many dreams (Hunter, 2009). Moreover, it leaves a large pool of untapped potential, which would have made a difference if well nurtured. Being believed in, allowed the opportunity and afforded the tools to build a life will assure the refugee students of their self-efficacy as well as the entire refugee community in the long-run.

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Support system: the people that are around the individual that assist the individual in achieving their goals. For instance, considering the refugee student engagement and support program, students are advised to make personalized milestones that they want to achieve. In this case, rather than competing with others while not gaining any skills, students are able to achieve small goals that are later reflected in their academic performance and also in their life skills. Programs that advocate for self-efficacy (individual belief in the ability to succeed) have been more successful since it promotes the 5c of positive development: confidence, character, connection, caring, and competence. A Support system is very important most especially to young people. for most refugee students, some are from war-torn countries and have lived their lives in fear and have lost loved ones therefore adapting in the community socially might be a challenge (William, 2010).

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Interview VICSEG staff about all the process they use to evaluate students in the program Interview School teachers about their take on the program Interview parents on how the program has affected (positively or negatively) their lives Get students firsthand experience in the program and get their point of view. Limitations. The schools where different students are posted are further apart, therefore, the acquisition of data from all these students might deem problematic and costly. Students that are beneficiaries of the program might hold back, most especially when it comes to negative comments since they fear to lose their spot on the program. When it comes to interviewing the parents, most are not fluent in English as they are accustomed to their native language therefore communication might be hard.

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