Ways Privileges Play Out in My Daily Life

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

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As for me, having a financially stable background is one of the privileges that opened up for me since I was little. Although not very rich, my parents were able to comfortably meet the needs of the family without much financial strains. Due to these facts parents afforded to take me to good schools where I could receive quality education. Having both parents by my side was also another privilege. Both of them are well educated and they believe in the education system. Although they can open up opportunities for us, they may also be disadvantages. As Jana explains in her talk, white people in the United States of America are more privileged when it comes to job placements and other opportunities in the society. As a result, other races living in the same society get sidelined despite being equally or even more qualified.

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Giving privileges on the basis of races and skin color makes life uncomfortable for the lower race. The people who are overlooked have to work double hard to prove that they are capable of doing what those privileged can do. However, in the case of Jana, she used her privileges to change the society by advocating for changes that made life more comfortable for all. In the contrary, one can use their privilege to exploit others or hinder others from achieving their goals. In this case, then privilege would make life uncomfortable. Ways in Which Diversity and Inclusivity Play a Role in the Society Diversity is term used to describe the differences and similarities exhibited by different people or groups within a society. On the other hand inclusivity means involving certain members of the society who would have been sidelined based on their gender, race or physical challenges.

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Some of the major areas where diversity and inclusivity play a vital role include in the education sector, in work places and also in leadership and representation. Due to the fact that the current society appreciates diversity, leaders in different representation levels within the government and other leadership positions have been appointed from diverse races as well as gender. This has brought about equality and has enabled most people to appreciate the differences in the current society. Inclusivity has enabled people, who would have otherwise been marginalized, to actively take part in development and be recognized in the society. How ABCD and Tiffany Corporation solve social problems. TMI Consulting’s main goal is to enable enterprises to create an environment that nurtures talent while still having a positive impact on the society and the world at large.

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By showing that everyone is an asset and they can be important in the society, TMI Consulting is slowly being able to eradicate negativity in the society. Business owners are being trained on how to view evaluate the importance of their employees other than looking at the inadequacies of the business. Through this shift in the way of thinking, the society will be able to appreciate diversity and give everybody a chance to take part in improving the world. Connection between privilege, diversity and giving back Everyone has privileges and opportunities that are open to them. In order to fully utilize the skills and talents, people should work together in unity and let their skills be of service to the community. In the long run, everyone will have taken part in making the society better.

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Appreciating the diversity among us is a sure way of ensuring that everyone gets a chance to showcase how they can be of benefit. It is therefore clear that there is a close connection between privilege, diversity and giving back. When we appreciate the importance of the three, then we can be able to make the society a better place. Arguments have also been well placed and supported by referring back to the Tedx Talk, which is the topic of interest. This demonstrates that the author had a good understanding of the talk and could draw meaningful arguments from it. As a result, the student has been able to point out the main points of view and back them up with appropriate references. Based on the topic questions that had been asked, the student has been able to meet the requirements by answering all the questions.

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From the organization, structure and the way the student handled the paper, it is evident that the author had understood the instructions. In conclusion, the student’s essay was satisfactory as it met all the requirements stipulated.

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