West Coast Transit Case Study

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

However, the employees feel overwhelmed with too much work with diminished support and little time to complete all projects. As such, employees adopted teamwork to accomplish the tasks collaboratively. This paper aims at determining the criteria for team effectiveness, Tuckman’s five stages of group formation, Schein’s three behavioral profiles, communication effectiveness, types of conflicts, conflict resolutions and the motivation techniques leaders can use to motivate the teams in West Coast Transit Company. Criteria for an effective team The three criteria for effective teamwork comprises of task performance, the satisfaction of team members and the viability of the team. Task performance involves how well the team accomplishes the set goals while meeting the expected quality, quality and within the stipulated time.

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Tuckman’s five stages of group formation According to Raes et al. (2015), the five steps of group development in Tuckman’s model include forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Forming entail role –learning whereby members get to know who will play which function in the group. Storming as described by Raes et al. (2015) involves learning new ideas and openness to diverse thoughts of team members. A friendly helper is marked by insecurity and suffering. An objective thinker is passive and concerned about the fulfillment of personal interest in the team. In the West Coast Transit team, the members portray different behavioral profiles. Jing is a friendly helper who is ready to undergo all the challenges to achieve the team goals. She was the only one who prepared for the meeting and had a few suggestions about the team’s success.

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Emotional conflicts as deafened by Osborn (2014) refer to differences resulting from interpersonal differences such as anger, mistrust, and resentment. From the case, a substantive conflict is portrayed by the varying opinions of the upper management and employees of West Coast Transit. For example, the top management thinks the only way to create a thorough marketing strategy for Boeing-747 within the shortest time is through teamwork; employees, on the other hand, believe the goal is tedious and unattainable. Emotional conflict is evident through the disagreements between team members. For instance, the dispute between Tanney and Denson when Denson regarded Tanney’s complaint as a personal interest which Tanney misunderstood as disrespect which led to a conflict between them. Task activities underlie the quality and timely accomplishment of a team’s task.

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A task activity that should be encouraged includes encouraging members that they can accomplish the project within the little time provided. Mahonney encouraged maintenance activity bay calling upon all members and reminding them that they have been entrusted with the project because they can carry out the plan within the shortest time. The most significant disruptive behavior that should be discouraged is putting personal interest at the expense of team goals. For instance, Tanney and Mahonney believed that the project was unattainable and would limit their time with the families. In conclusion, effective teamwork is pivotal to the success of any company such as West Coast Transit Company. The company demands commitment, hard work, and determination from its workers. The high burden subject employees to job distress and thus Denson should implement the stated strategies to motivate the members towards accomplishing the set goals.

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