What is patient autonomy

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Philosophy

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Medical providers are allowed to educate their patients however, he/she is not allowed to influence or make decisions for the patient. If patients go under treatment or surgery they have to sign papers called Informed Consent, the papers are not just paper. These paper’s help the patients to understand the potentials risk or benefits from the Surgery or treatment. It also provides the patient with alternatives. There are five most important elements in Informed Consent. A physician can be naive or just expect every provider to treat their patients with dignity and compassion, without a doubt. Meaning that all providers care about you and will respect what you believe in and want, no matter how it may sound or be. Providers should be able to guide you to the correct decision.

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In the medical field, it is important that patients sign, read and understand all terms that come with the surgery/treatment or alternatives plans. This protects the doctors and the medical facility for getting sued for malpractice. In this case, it is the call of the patient to request for the services and as long as the agreement is made between the patient and the doctor, then the choice of the patient is based on human rights that allow them to be treated. Therefore, the patient will be consenting or rather agreeing or denying according to what he or she deems as the best option. After all, a patient making his or her own decision should be based on the fact that it is not intended to hurt anyone. The second part of form has information the patient about the risk that is projected to happen during the procedure or the treatment, especially during surgery.

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In this section, the doctor discusses all the possible outcome that might cause harm to the patient and they might include organ damage, tempered nerves or even damaged blood vessels. If they do not educate themselves on innovative studies how are they supposed to help educate their patients, and find latest ways to help their health? The third section of the Surgery Form informs the patients that they are allowing the doctor to perform any medical practice on them in order to save their lives in case of any emergencies that might be experienced during the surgical procedure. The adequate discloser of information is designed to inform the patient regarding particular treatment or procedure. It also states the potential risks that can appear during the procedure. In the fourth section of the form states that the patient is agreeing to a blood transfusion if needed.

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Blood transfusion can be dangerous because people can be at risk of getting AIDS/Hepatitis. Overall, I would say that the document was very accurate however when performing a surgical procedure, patients have to go under Anastasia and for that, it should be mentioned in the document. Always respecting what they patient and others involved with their health. Always letting patients and others know that what is said between healthcare professionals are confident, and there is a law that protects them always. This applies to anyone who is working in the healthcare field, everything is confident, things may not be discussed without the consent of the patient. Possible violations are when colleagues are discussing a patient in a public place, this may be breaking the law, as other around may hear and know who the patient is or the situation.

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The third informed consent underlines that patients cannot be influenced by the decision progress furthermore, doctors are not allowed to make decisions for them. The consent form must be easy written that anyone can understand them. In conclusion, autonomy has the main role to play especially when a doctor is performing a surgical procedure on a patient. If the doctor is able to walk the patient through the steps of filling the surgery form and understanding the treatment and procedures that will be used, it will be better to also allow the patient decide what he or she wants to be done with her or his body. This is mainly based on the fact that the effects of the decision will not affect others or hurt them either.

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