Why minorities are poor and aggressive in new york city
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Law
The recession impacted the city and its neighborhoods resulting in high levels of unemployment, poverty, and income inequality among minorities groups such as Black, Asian, Hispanic and Latino households. Poor neighborhoods involve minorities in most cases that report challenges like the limitation to quality education and high rate of aggressiveness among minority groups. Thus, this study explores critically facts in relation to reasons why minorities in New York City report high cases of poverty as well as aggressive nature today than cases reported in white neighborhoods. New York City is among the cities that have worked on reducing unemployment rates since the “Great Recession. “Thus, most individuals from minorities groups with good qualifications can find work that is able to earn them a good living. This has subjected most minorities to extreme poverty where most of these individuals operate below the average federal poverty mark.
The fact that minorities are struggling in New York City to make ends meet due to limited income and worse education systems explains the reason for the aggressive nature they demonstrate. This can be based on the fact that these individuals tend to be aggressive in an attempt to have access to scarce resources such as money and food. This makes them even more aggressive when trying to protect the attained resources from those that seem to be a threat since it is complex to replace the resources. Thus, New York City reports cases of high violence rates, especially in poor neighborhoods following the rate of minority individuals that have no means of survival, hence being forced to use force for things to go their way. Also, most minority individuals such as Asian speaking people and other groups suffer from cases of poor language.
This makes it extremely difficult to gain access to essential city services that can help them reduce or end the problem of poverty and crime among minorities in New York City (Inae, 2017). Racial and economic isolation is yet another reason linked to poverty and violence in New York City, especially among minorities as opposed to natives. This can be attributed to the fact that most minority individuals attend schools that support highly low-income or poor students where some of them end up as school dropouts due to financial instability (Boschma and Brownstein, 2016). This is among the leading problems among young individuals from minority groups since their educational system cannot effectively produce skilled workers with good educational qualification. This is in connection with the perspective that a criminal record affects an individual’s opportunity to get an employment opportunity because of the negative image portrayed.
Since these people need to pay bills and other living expenses, they go back to aggressive behaviors again in order to support themselves and families (Grodin, 2015). This is a common problem in New York City due to cases of poverty among minorities who seek means of modern survival. Thus, neighborhoods in New York City that have high cases of poverty concentration report high crime rates unlike those that are supported in terms of financial aid. In most cases, minority families comprise of single parents that earn low-income and also parents that did not complete high school (Poverty Tracker, 2016). This explains why minorities in New York City report high levels of poverty and violence as opposed to the cases reported in white neighborhoods across the city. This paper covers arguments in relation to reasons why minorities in New York City report high cases of poverty as well as aggressive nature today than cases observed in white neighborhoods.
Reference Page Boschma, J. Brownstein, R. The Concentration of Poverty in American Schools. org/files/sotc/The_Changing_Racial_and_Ethnic_Makeup_of_New_York_City_Neighborhoods_11. pdf Grodin, J. In New York, Rising Teen Drop-out and Incarceration Rate. Retrieved from https://nyujournalismprojects. org/wsr/article/rising_rates/ Inae, O. Poverty in New York City. Retrieved from http://www. alignny. org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/NYC-Poverty-Report-2012. pdf The Sentencing Project, (2016).
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