Why smokers diagnosed with COPD do not quit smoking Article Critique

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

For instance, it has captured the summary of the background, methods of study, results and the conclusion in a very excellent way, which serves to give the reader a quick overview of the research paper. The main purpose of the article was to find out the results of the study, which could be used in the nursing practice, and from the overview of the abstract, the details and the results have been very well outlined. Additionally, the way the information is captured in the abstract does make the reader interested since they have been very well organized and in a systematic manner in which the details appear in the study. Introduction/literature review The research problem of the study has been very well outlined, and from the look, the reader can identify that smoking has been a prevalent social issue that has both economic and health costs to the countries and people.

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The issue is a public health concern, and therefore, the study was equally important considering the fact that it does impact on the lives of humans and the citizens of the various countries. The selection of the sample includes certain criteria for inclusion. The population characteristics included, first, the persons that would qualify for the study ought to be between the age of fifty and sixty years. Secondly, the population sample ought to be diagnosed with moderate COPD in the recent past which could be used to produce valid results for the study (Eklund, Nilsson, Hedman, & Lindberg, 2012). The study aimed at finding the reasons why the habit was difficult to quit and specifically, to the patients who were diagnosed with COPD in the recent.

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Additionally, the population that did qualify ought to be characterized by current respiratory symptoms such as coughing and the production of phlegm. The qualitative study design is actually an appropriate method that can be used to get the results of the study being carried out. Consequently, the method is sure to at least get a valid conclusion since the information is gathered from victims of the same, who also include various characteristics as described and having consented to the same. Enough information is more so provided in the paper, that is sufficient to enable the replication of the study in another scenario since the guide that was used is well captured Results The results of the study have been very well captured, which includes the individual quotations of the participants and additionally, the results have been analyzed in themes which actually improved the overall quality of the results section.

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Data analysis involved the decoding of the information that was gathered in the interviews so as to provide meaningful information that could guide decision making as well as the conclusion part. More so, the results also affirm that a number of reasons contribute to the validity of the fact that the habit is difficult to stop, since, the participants quoted information such as life situations, and also, some others had stopped the habit but some other consequences resulted such as pain, which led them to go back to the smoking habit. The author, however, has included a general conclusion to the study, where the motivation of the smokers to quit has been identified as an important input into the recovery of the victims.

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