Women and Gender Studies Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Law

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E in 1974 (Davis, 2011, pg. In the modern day era when the American society perceives that the female gender has attained equal rights in the male-dominated society, it’s saddening to realize the realities that not all women are equal. The modern day black woman experiences difficulties navigating the gender indemnity and the inextricably integrated class oppression of the female gender, making it not only a challenge be a female but also a black woman in the community. The whites have more appeal of equal rights than black women (Cheeks, 2018). This paper seeks to address these pertinent issues challenging Black feminism, as it is an oppressed and neglected group. A young African girl is less protected from assaults and exposed to the hazardous environment (26). As highlighted during the nascent state of the young American nation and the progressive era, the oppressive and challenging issue of black women identity and equality in the society has always been a consciousness-raising in the social and political lines.

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Despite the significant economic contribution of the black household through direct consumption, creative design and modeling in the fashion industry, Its common to see glorification of the white culture as well as its natural appearance in the fashion industry as opposed to the similar response to confidence emanated by black woman confidence in the African culture and roots. This disparity of the black woman especially in the high-end fashion market should be adequately addressed to ensure ethnic participation, taking in consideration and accepting the terms of the black culture in the industry. The use of skin tone and color in creating prejudice and stereotyping in the fashion industry has progressively declined over the years, as the unsatisfied client have the broader access of social media and gender supportive legislation that seek to address equality among genders (Patricia Hill, 2002).

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The recurring patterns and themes of discrimination of the black woman in the United State society is highlighted by the media representation of the difference between white and black women (Patricia Hill, 2002). This is unacceptable in the modern society as many perceive it unconstitutional and a show of white supremacy. Even the most successful black women in the American society will narrate the despite and grief of being subjected to gender and race-themed abuse at one point in the career. There is a high likelihood that most of the professional women have been raised in an inappropriate inequality background (Davis, 2011). In the healthcare sector, maternal mortality rates are three to four tome higher for a black woman as compared to the whites. Furthermore, the black woman has experienced far more institutionalized discrimination as compared to the racial privileges available to the white man despite the practice of gender inequality in the community.

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Despite the long-standing historical black woman engagement in the lobbying for reforms in labor union, civil rights and in the political and legal arena, the black women have distinctively suffered from institutionalized oppression. Regardless, this has inspired leadership and empowerment of the black women in the society increasing the voice and representation of the oppressed minority in the society. “You will never eliminate discrimination through complaints. The thing that you’ve got to do is to get into those institutions and work from top to bottom: how they set policies; who are setting policies; why this is the policy” Patricia Hill, 2002, 220). As illustrated by a labor research conducted by Bertrand, & Mullainathan (2004), the white women are 50% likely to receive callbacks compare to the women of color. This reality forces many black women to only stick to the application that is perceived to be tailored to them thus limiting their potential in the job market due to the long practiced discrimination in the workplace hiring and selection process.

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According to the research by Bertrand & Mullainathan (2004), the women are likely to now focus on the jobs that have fewer pas experiences of discrimination of the black women. There current job application patterns are informed by experiences of neglecting and unwarranted discrimination in the community. This is undesirable and therefore there is need to promote gender-aggregated workforce that is more intolerant to gender inequality and addresses the contrasts affecting the segregation of gender and women in the workplace and social way of life. Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A field experiment on labor market discrimination. American economic review, 94(4), 991-1013. Cheeks, M. March 26). How Black Women Describe Navigating Race and Gender in the Workplace. org/article/nothing-protects-black-women-from-dying-in-pregnancy-and-childbirth. Patton, L. D. My sister's keeper: A qualitative examination of mentoring experiences among African American women in graduate and professional schools.

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The Journal of Higher Education, 80(5), 510-537.

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