Workplace Diversity Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

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For instance, a successful workplace is a melting pot where facets of cultural diversity and inclusion are incorporated. On the other hand, a flawed and weak diversity blueprint of a company results to ineffective articulation of policy and implementation that impacts workers morale and the entire culture of an organization. For an organization to attain and retain these highly desired workers, it requires performing a diligent work to incorporate effective diversity strategies into the workforce. Some strategies could help companies to develop and leverage their diversity program. First, employers need to understand different elements of diverse groups and determine the DNA of their company before drafting diversity policy that would result in the inclusive and sensitive workforce. Particularly, senior management should be a representation of diverse facets of an organization’s workforce and should be assigned a visible role in the top management.

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That way, the organization will have set a good example to its staffs that age, ethnic and gender backgrounds have nothing to do with succeeding at the firm. The diverse leadership should be empowered to develop a program that promoted diversity such as community outreach programs, learns and lunch with featured speakers, and diversity workshops and mentorship programs. Also, they should develop a diversity statement that is consistent with the strategic goals. Hence, managers should be held accountable for any practice that may be contrary to promoting diversity for instance discrimination of some staffs over others or failure to hire individuals from a particular religion or ethnic groups. Fourth, the diversity strategy should include workforce training programs. Diverse workforce comes from diverse backgrounds with different cultural practices, values, attitudes, and beliefs, and therefore, the organization should take charge and invest in these practices by training their workforce on the importance of diversity.

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Betancourt, 2016), proposes that the management should implement a culture that unifies all employees despite their background. The culture should be considerate of each individual’s background and ensure that it does not in any way isolate or harm any employee. Organizations should implement training programs for their employees that will help in understanding of benefits from its diversity. Also, the pages should inform its workforce about the ongoing practices in the organization and the impending programs. Use of intranet enhances communication to employees and customers. It also helps in attracting of prospective customers since it one way of advertisement and wide promotion of companies products, services, and reputation. Managing a diverse workforce is a process that requires a lot of commitment by the top leadership and involvement of employees. There are advantages and disadvantages that an organization may experience by implementing diversity policies.

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Teamwork improves the pace of services offered by these individuals. Diverse individuals also are effective in coming up with different concepts and in performing a particular task and also unique ideas for problem-solving. The workforce then presents these ideas to the table and use the most effective concepts and apply them in coming up with specific suitable solutions that will save time and energy required to perform a specific task. Besides, diverse workforce exposes employees to new cultures, perspectives, and ideas. Diversity offers them with opportunities to learn and personal growth that helps them reach out their intellect. Lastly, all the above-discussed advantages of the diverse workforce would immensely result in increased organizations’ productivity. Every organization has their specific challenges that affect their productivity may be due to their structure or objectives, and therefore, different strategies will be used to address the business and combat the challenge.

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Adapting workforce diversity is one of the strategies that need effective management to assure positive results. Therefore, an organization should put into consideration its employees’ welfare by practicing employee appraisal, proper compensation practices and health care that makes the feel accommodated within the organization. Employers should avoid perceptions that they may hold concerning particular employees from certain culture or gender and conduct fair and equal practices towards their employees. Such instances would create misunderstanding between the two or more clashing cultural values, attitudes, and beliefs. It is required for the management to ensure that they spend time with their employees to help reduce and eradicate some instances eradicate communication barriers. Moreover, workplace diversity may create discrimination by both employers and employees. Employers may prefer employing people from their cultural background or even treat employees in favor of his race or gender.

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When employees realize that they are being discriminated, they tend to get demotivated that affect their effectiveness and ability to perform their assigned task effectively. Also, some training programs may require high participation and travelling costs that poses unexpected cost requirements by the organization. The implementation will also require effective policies that will guide its workforce in their operation such as guidelines for employees and supervisors that highlight the implications of legal diversity practices. There will require more time and experience among the committee. The United States diversity falls under the protected class into the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. All individual from different social groups are protected in hiring and employment process under the Federal Employment laws. Employees are also entitled to sick leaves that all employers must grant them when the need arises.

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They are also protected that they must receive equal pay even when one goes for sick leave. Therefore, I feel that the governmental regulations for diversity are doing more of good than bad by protecting employees and customers from discrimination by owners of companies. Finally, diversity is an unusual combination of doing the right things because it is the right thing to do and because it is the law. However, not all workplace diversity is driven by government bodies and law. E. M. Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Betancourt, J. Omanović, V. Mis) Managing diversity: exploring the dangers of diversity management orthodoxy. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(1), 5-16. Leslie, L. M. Eisenberg, B. S. Hymel, P. A. Integrating health and safety in the workplace: how closely aligning health and safety strategies can yield measurable benefits.

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