2008 chinese milk scandal

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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there are health effects that are associated with milk on children. These can be classified as physical, chemical as well biological hazards. This paper has found a linked between kidney failure problem and the milk that children takes while still young. It was established that a chemical known as melamine was found on milk and are of large content. This means that human body cannot tolerate these high percentage of chemical in the body which therefore brings complication. Chemical Hazard In 2008, China was shocked by the large number of the infant who suffering from kidney stones, a situation which is difficult to occur as explained by the health experts, (López, F. J. G. , & Quereda, C. They continued to argue that, since infants have not accumulated a large number of pollutants as they have limited access to the surrounding due to their limited time they stayed on earth.

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According to Enderwick, P. (2009), the domestic dairy industry which was booming at the time was totally devastated leading to consolidation and a series of mergers. This was developed as a marketing strategy so that they can survive in the competitive market as foreign products were flooding the local market. An investigation was carried out on the milk from the implicated company and later it was realized that the milk was contaminated with an element called melamine (López, F. J. This amount in the body was poisonous which led to the damage of the kidney killing six babies and left others with the perennial ailment. Those who survived had to continue with medication to purify the blood which will take a longer time and even others might remain in the medication for the rest of their lives.

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Although the chief culprit compensated for the problem, the funds were not enough to cater for the cost of medication for those who were to use the drugs for a prolonged period (Taksinoros, S. , & Murata, H. This has caused the families a lot of money while others lost their loved one and even the country losing a productive future generation. This leads to the accumulation of the compound in the soil resulting in future problems. The ratio for this compound should be limited to avoid further destruction of the habitat which will reduce the sustainability of the earth due to dangerous compounds. Therefore, the illegal use of this compound will cause serious health hazards, although there is no clear information that the product has been exported to other countries.

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Overdosing of melamine can result in health hazards. The physiochemical characteristics of melamine development enter the urinary system of an individual. In order to consolidate authorities dealing with food and drugs safety, an agency (China Food and drugs Administration) at the ministry level was established (Lu, L. , Fang, Y. , & Wang, X. The main role was to monitor the activities of other bodies on alignment to the established laws of the country. However, there are many measures which the government has done to make sure the health of people is safeguarded, though much is still to be done. Even society is advised to report any case to the relevant bodies or use social media to pass the information. In my opinion, I recommend that the government should fund more projects that aims at ensuring good health.

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This implies that, bodies that regulates the consumption of food and drinks should investigate the fitness of the products before the public is allowed to consume. Conclusion In conclusion, strong bodies with enough capabilities to fight unscrupulous business people who are exploiting consumers is very import to the government to ensure health nation. This because an outbreak associated with food substances is very exponential and impact on a large area which affects the country adversely. 2011 Dec 5: 80(7), 694-696. Wong, S. N. , & Chiu, M. C. 2010 Aug 1;43 (7):1745-65. Taksinoros, S. , & Murata, H. Effects of serum proteins on in vitro melamine-cyanurate crystal formation. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. Broughton, E. I. , & Walker, D. G. Policies and practices for aquaculture food safety in China. , Guo, J.

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