Acupuncture Treatment Essay
During this period, people used sharpened stones and sharpened bones for acupuncture treatment (Faircloth 2015). The acupuncture treatment has been an important and unique part of the Chinese culture, especially in their traditional medicine. According to Faircloth (2015), research has shown that acupuncture emerged as one the earliest healing and therapeutic method. The yellow emperor is known as the founder of different types of medicine including acupuncture. The earliest documented reference to acupuncture treatment is the yellow emperor’s classic of internal medicine. People interested in being acupuncturist were to observe and learn the 365 points that showed the body areas in which the energy flow could be channeled by using the bronze statue. In the seventeenth century, the use of acupuncture decline because it was ruled out as superstitious and irrational. Though it was excluded from the medical training centers, the skills and knowledge were still retained by rural healers and some academics (Faircloth 2015).
In 1949, the traditional medicine including acupuncture treatment was reinstated as forms of traditional medicine to cater for the huge population. Institutions and research institutes became interested in acupuncture treatment all over China and some western hospitals. When these systems are stimulated the energy flow can help resolve pain, improve sleep, digestive functions and give a person a good sense of their well-being. During an acupuncture treatment, the specialist is supposed to analyze a person’s health history by examining, the tongue’s shape, and color and even feel the person’s pulse. Using this physical assessment the doctor will plan and devise a specific way of addressing your particular condition. Hundreds of clinical trials have been done and the treatment has proved successful in addressing the problems ranging from musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, neck pain among others.
Treatment of nausea, migraine headache, depression, anxiety, infertility, and insomnia have also proved effective. The treatment has been painless for animals, though the large needles may cause some pain when passing through the skin. Veterinary acupuncturist has noted that animals become very relaxed and sleepy during most sessions. Well, the medication has proved effective but some animals experience side effects such as excessive sleep which doctors have associated with physiological changes and most often followed by an improvement in the animal's health condition. Most people only use treatments if they have proved effective in treating animals and acupuncture treatment has been proved effective in treating most animals’ ailments. Most people with chronic illness have been noted to use acupuncture treatment for various reasons. The main goal of the treatment is to ensure the patients develop skills that empower their health.
Patients who visit acupuncturist have had different experiences but mainly most of them claim to have been rejuvenated in strength and energy. They have experienced changes in personal and social identities. People with chronic illness have varied health status and the questionnaires shown different responses, some can’t give responses because they cannot measure changes using acupuncture treatment and the western medication. Others claimed to have experienced changes due to the treatments and had stopped using the medication to carry on with the medication. Doctors require this skills and knowledge in order to guide potential patients into making them feel better. The need for a comprehensive research is also needed in order to understand this treatment better. Research which has been conducted already shows that acupuncture treatment can help patients with certain diseases, conditions, and symptoms (Vannierop 2000).
Researchers should conduct long-term follow up to ensure that they get the strengths and weaknesses of acupuncture treatment. The theory of acupuncture is that it’s effective in modifying the flow of energy throughout a person’s body. The charges are not too high depending on location and most acupuncturist advice the people to have more than one treatment according to their conditions. Acute cases get more than one treatment while other cases can get one treatment. It's also advisable for one to use this treatment with other medication such as the western medicine. Some patients prefer to use the Chinese traditional medicine, herbs, and lifestyle because they believe it's helpful with their conditions. Though others have varied beliefs on this treatment because they believe it’s just a myth and doesn’t work, it’s very important for a person to be clear on his/her symptoms in order to get the right help.
Veterinary Nursing Journal, 26(6), 204- 206. Paterson, C. Britten, N. Acupuncture for People with Chronic Illness: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Outcome Assessment. Journal Of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 9(5), 671-681.
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