Alcohol and drug abuse in college

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Sociology

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gov). Drugs that are commonly abused include: cannabis, alcohol, heroine, methaqualone, opioids, Benzodiazepines, inhalants etc. Drug abuse is an intent problem in public health that affects almost every family and communities. Drug addiction is a disease that has effect on behavior and the brain. Different control measures exist to curb the challenge caused by drug abuse (Grant, Bridget F. The reasons why some people abuse drugs include: To ease stress, to feel good or to evade the reality. Addiction is the scenario where an individual cannot stop using the drugs (Grant, Bridget F. , and Deborah A. Dawson 105). The brain is meant in such a way that it tends to make you repeat the activities that make you feel good. org): • Amount you drink.

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• The frequency you drink. • Age. • Family history. • Health status. Fig 2: Statistics and trends. "Alcohol".  Drugabuse. Gov, 2018, https://www. drugabuse. Addiction disease tends to make the victims think that nobody understands their situation. Sharing one's story is very important because it gives hope to the people struggling to overcome addiction that at some time they will also be able to overcome (Hotel California By The Sea). There are many people who are eager to hear such stories about overcoming addiction in order to start their recovery process. • Help to other families Families of those addicted to drugs have much information to share. It may be that a member of a family is recovering from addiction or still in addiction, but such a family has a lot to share with other families who are undergoing the same (Grant, Bridget F.

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Togetherness helps in raising awareness on drug addiction and gives help to those struggling with drug addiction. • Making headlines Drug addiction affects people in all places. It also affects students in colleges and universities. Technology can be used to bring awareness on drug addiction challenge. According to surveys, campus newspapers remain the main source of information for students in campuses and colleges (Hotel California By The Sea). Public awareness should be raised through educative programs before and during these functions (Hotel California By The Sea). Solutions To Drug Abuse Drug abuse being a challenge that is affecting all people and from all backgrounds, needs to be addressed and workable solutions sought. This will help both those addicted to drugs and also the vulnerable members in society.

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It is not practically possible to prevent anyone and everyone completely from using drugs(Greenfacts. org). Consequently they tend to feel taking a break and relaxing is a good way to appreciate themselves. Some feel that taking drugs such as alcohol helps relieve the stress (Regier, Darrel A. , et al 2516). They dont realize this affects their body and at the end leads to addiction. People should find better ways to relieve their stress such as: exercising, helping the poor, reading a book or even watching movies etc. The best thing that such people should do is to commence treatment immediately. The kind of treatment that will be applicable to the addict will vary depending on the type of drug he/she is addicted to (Treatment Solutions).

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As per National Institute and Drug Abuse, treatments that are effective have focus on the entire life of the person. This includes psychological needs, work needs, relationship needs, psychological needs and medical needs (Regier, Darrel A. , et al 2514). Challenges affecting the mind many times leads to drug abuse (Greenfacts. org). These include: depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. The treatment on drug abuse involves therapy on behavior, use of some medications to reduce the desire to take the drug(s), and giving them skills on how to refrain themselves from drug abuse. Drug addiction is a matter that should be addressed collectively (Regier, Darrel A.  Greenfacts. Org, 2018, https://www. greenfacts. org/en/psychoactive-drugs/l-2/7-conclusions. htm. Winkel, Bethany. "Top 5 Ways To Prevent Substance Abuse - Treatment Solutions".

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