Redefining Realness review
The decision to reveal her identity emanates from an article she read, "I Was Born a Boy" by Kierna Mayo. Some of the core themes in this memoir include identity, sexuality, feminity, violence, beauty, love, and family acceptance. The setting of the Memoir Janet Mock’s story is about her growing up in California and Hawaii as a transsexual transgender. At first, the memoir commences in New York, 2009. At this stage, the author explores her relationship with Aaron, her boyfriend. The author identifies that transitioning was more than employing a change of body parts. Important to realize, transgender men and women admire passing as the gender they want to be recognized (Schilt and Westbrook). Consequently, realness is about the ability to embrace the capability to enjoy freedom and comfort. Given the position in the society that the author occupies, it was hard to come out.
She ends up being consistently worried about the perception people have of her. As Barbara suggests, the aim of "Redefining Realness" is to let people associate with such experiences which will lead to better living. The author equally expresses that it is essential to analyze such stories and comprehend the hindrances aimed at trans women to promote their freedom and acceptance in the community. Role Model The most influential character in Janet Mock’s book is Keisha, a self-established character that only exists in the mind of Mock. She was introduced to Keisha after one of her friend’s boyfriend’s calls. She explains that Mikaela, the friend, was not around but he can talk to Keisha. They are the ones who teach her about womanhood. However, the mother taught her the most crucial lesson in life that she was her own woman.
The father also loved "reminding me that we are so similar, yet our likeness is what maintains the distance between us" (Mock 241). Janet Mock is abused at an early stage which questions the support that the society gives her. Derek abuses Janet sexually which leads to her transition from childhood to adulthood at an early stage: "It didn't internalize the debate to convince me to open the door and enter into premature adulthood, because somewhere within I knew I had been groomed to do it" (Mock 175). However, the mother offers excellent support for her daughter's coming out. Today, the society has witnessed several cases of people revealing their identities, especially homosexuality. The deeply rooted culture that objects diversity in the form of sexual orientation or any other factors is slowly eroding (Squires).
Today, it is normal to have a national television show with controversial scenes. In fact, the trans women community is quite large today, and the number of reported cases of discrimination has declined. Each person should follow their path in identity development as it is the only way of being satisfied with oneself. Being trans does not indicate that one compromises their humanity or womanhood. Instead, they promote and strengthen the truth about themselves. Works Cited Jackson, Sarah J, Moya Bailey and Brooke Welles. GirlsLieUs: Trans advocacy and community building online. The Political Quarterly 79.
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