Specifically, this study is purposed at delving exploring the factors contributing to the situation, the severity and statistics of food insecurity, the relation between race and food insecurity, and the remedies that can cure the situation. The significance of the topic is grounded on the rise of cases of food insecurity striking African Americans more that the whites in US. This has led to supposed relationship between race and food insecurity and which is also a function of multiple factors like the ease of getting a standard employment. African Americans have difficulties securing better employment that they do the whites. Usually, they only get substandard employment which lacks job security as one can be laid off any day. The sample was selected using probabilistic random sampling where everyone in the population had a chance of being part of the study.
In the process of gathering information that was correct and accurate, I developed a rapport with the residents creating a friendly relationship by projection my extroversion self. Also, I made sure that they felt part of the study by making them understand the purpose of the study and responding to their questions satisfactorily. The study findings revealed that there existed a relationship between race (commonly skin color classification) and food insecurity. Also, it was found that African American communities and households are more affected by food insecurity that they are the whites. To establish whether there exists a relationship between food insecurity and race and find out the strength of the relation if it did exist. To find out the perception of people on food insecurity and their commentaries on what recommendations need to be done as well the role of the non-governmental organization in remedying the situation.
The significance of this study is grounded on the fact that a problem understood to the root can easily be solved. The participation of people best reveals what they are going through and this information is relevant in confronting the problem. Literature Review According to a recent historic research, African-Americans in USA are affected in unequal measures compared to the autochthonous population (Gubert et al. The study established statistically that 16. of all the people living in America, specifically Georgia were faced food insecurity that they could not even know if they would get their next meal. Also, in every four children living in Georgia, one of them was living in a household that was food insecure and this accounted for about 23. percent of the children of Georgia (Myles et al. Further, the study found that almost 16% of the residents of Georgia were living absolute poverty (Workneh, 2013).
Also, it hypothesized that the relationship that existed between race and food security was strong and brought differences in the way Americans and the African Americans were exposed to poverty. Methodology The study adopted a sequential-exploratory mixed study design and used qualitative measures. Interviews were administered to 100 interviewees from Statesboro participation of whom was voluntary. This number was found suitable for reliance of the findings of the study. Field study setting was necessary as they could allow the respondents to be in touch with the interviewer so that they could express their thoughts and perception of the interview questions comprehensively. Additionally their voluntary participation was resultant of the assurance of rewards for participation and that their help was highly appreciated. The main questions of study included the whether the interviewee sees a difference in the level of hunger cases between the whites and the African-Americans and how income and employment opportunities between the two group of racial classification, the Americans and the African Americans.
Findings and analysis The data that was collected was edited for obvious flaws and it was then coded for analysis (Workneh, 2013). This data was then analyzed to determine the severity of food insecurity in Georgia and its relation with race. The study sought to answer the study question about the relationship of the dependent variable (food insecurity) with race and the severity of hunger to the affected community (African American Communities). Also, there existed a disproportionate wage gap. Consequently, they faced high level of unemployment rates which was almost double that which the white faced (Tallant et al. Additionally, those who were lucky enough to secure employment were less likely to get retirement plans that were sponsored by their employer. respondents took cognizance of the role played by charitable organization and in particular the Statesboro Food Bank.
The organization, according to an informed respondent made a donation of 90,345 pound of food as a relief food that went to the struggling family of Georgia. Field Notes Date: 23rd Feb 2018 Time: 10:30am Participants: 100 residents of Statesboro, Georgia. Location: Statesboro, South Georgia. This field notes were transcribed before and during the interviewing duration and are inclusive of the facts, important notes from the study respondents, observations that were made from the general interviewing environment, and the general recommendations that could be used in alleviating the situation. This interview was scheduled to take place from 10:30 am and was expected to take 40 minutes and which could vary depending on the amount of information that the respondents were willing to divulge. This therefore meant that it could either take less time or even more if the respondents gave more information with a 100% participation.
I administered interviews to the sample which I had already created a good rapport with. I created a good rapport with them by being friendly to them and responding to their questions regarding the study. In line with the expectations before the study, the study respondents showed a 100% participation which led to the extension of planned duration to 55 minutes. In the course of the study, the following facts about the state of insecurity in Statesboro were revealed. First, all the respondents showed a unanimous consensus of the state of insecurity in Georgia. The study gave a factual representation of the role of charitable organization in alleviating the situation and reducing the amount of hunger that confronted most African Americans. This was in particular the Statesboro Food Bank. The indicated that the aforementioned organization donated ninety thousand, three hundred and forty five pounds of food in 2017 as relief food that usually goes to the most affected people (Averitt, 2014).
According to the informed source, this food catered for more than one thousand, six hundred families in that year. interviewees praised the effort of the organization in the manner in which it extended its altruism and humanity and also in the way in which it mobilized donations that went to the affected families of Georgia. Some of the recommendations that they gave include having the government to work with inclusivity with them. Also, some pointed out the need for government to empower small scale farmers. Additionally, a good number argued of the need of striking a balance between nutritional security, food, and embracing of new technology that had the potential of raising the operational excellence leading increased food productivity (Averitt, 2014). Finally, some respondents highlighted the need of raising the productivity of water that could presently be low as well as reducing the percentage of food that goes to waste.
References Alliance to End Hunger | Building the Will to End Hunger at Home an Abroad, alliancetoendhunger. Understanding Hunger. Georgia Mountain Food Bank, 12 Aug. 2016, www. gamountainfoodbank. org/understanding-hunger/. Mehta, K. McNaughton, D. Booth, S. The experiences and perceptions of food banks amongst users in high-income countries: An international scoping review. Appetite. Journal of nutrition in gerontology and geriatrics, 35(1), 32-42. Rogers, B. G. Kegler, M. C. Workneh, Lillly. Hunger in America: Food Insecurity Disproportionately Affects African-Americans. TheGrio, 7 June 2013, thegrio. com/2013/06/07/hunger-in-america-food-insecurity-disproportionately-affects-african-americans/. APPENDICES Key Information Interview Consent of Participation You are being requested to participate in this study that is aimed at establishing the relationship between food insecurity and race (African-American). How does the income of the African American compare to that pf the whites? 4. How is the government responding to food insecurity affecting majorly one race, the African American community? 5.
How does food insecurity of African American communities compare to the white? Is there a relationship? Explain. If you perceive a relationship between food insecurity and race, how severe is it? 7. How severe is the hunger to the African American community? 8.
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