Alzhheimers Disease Essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Literature

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It, therefore, depicts a greater concern and requires prior consideration because it partakes an extended period of incubation before actual clinical attested signs can be realized. Prevention of the disease, therefore, is more fundamental than the actual treatment since therapeutic treatment has only the potency of improving the symptoms of the disease than getting rid of it completely. As a result, there is a prior need to address the effective diagnostic approaches to do away with the disease before encroaching to severe levels that may result before the clinical symptoms appear. According to a recent study, findings have indicated that abnormal expression of certain miRNA shows a greater tendency of playing a better role in pathological processes of neurodegenerative diseases beginning with Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer’s, 2015).

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Furthermore, a larger number of patients have been reported by medical practitioners to have increased level of miRNA in their body fluids including blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Early symptoms associated with the disease Patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease usually face memory loss that leads to disruption of daily life endeavours. This is accompanied by loss of recent event memories and information. It also includes the constant forgetfulness of patients on dates and events. Secondly, Alzheimer's disease is associated with symptoms such as having challenges in planning and problem-solving (Rosenberg, et al, 2015). When an individual indicates troubles in developing plans or working with numbers, there is a great tendency that they are most likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. In the recent data sheets, it has been established that Alzheimer’s disease is the only cause of death that cannot be slowed, prevented or cured in the United States of America among the top 10 deadly list of diseases in the United States (Rosenborg, et al, 2015).

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The number of the new and the old existing cases of Alzheimer’s dementia continues to increase with the increasing levels of the total number of the aged population in the country. Statisticians have found out that the rate of development of the condition currently stands at 65 seconds per second and research has predicted that by the mid-century, the rate would have come to about 33 seconds per disease development. Among those having the condition and of age 70, a higher percentage of them approximately 61% are expected to die before the age of 80 years as compared to those without. There has been a significant increase in the number of deaths resulting from the disease from 2000 to 2015; where about 123% increase was recorded while those of the major cause of death in the world decreased with an 11%.

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Other risk factors include gender, environmental that include natural minerals like iron, zinc and lead and chemicals such as toluene, pesticides, fertilizers, and benzene. Gender, cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes are also risk factors for this condition. Other contributors are Parkinson's disease and diet. In reducing the risk, it is advisable for one to strictly keep the diet as stipulated and advised by a medic as well as engaging in some exercise to stay healthy. Even though the societal and human cost AD might be staggering, there is still some hope that much better and earlier diagnosis and increased knowledge of the disease natural history with the family's, patient, and the stages of the disease, symptomatic drugs and effective potential modification strategies of the disease would dramatically affect the persons being impacted in the future and the quality and way of life of those currently affected by the infections.

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