Importance of Human Identity

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Literature

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Identity is the core principle competent of individual reputation and heritage. The male characters are referred to as father’s son. All the male characters are not able to talk about themselves minus referring to their family lineage. The concern of family antiquity is highly prominent since the poem is highly based on kinship ties. The characters assume the pride of their ancestor’s achievements and try to live up to their ancestor's standards. Hwæt: The first word of the Beowulf poem revisited.  ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews (2018): 1-5. Hwæt: The first word of the Beowulf poem revisited is a journal Willima Sayers. The author explores the first word of the poem. The book explores the concept of social identity. Using Beowulf’s identity, the authors successfully illustrate how humans identify play a role in dictating their life success.

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Edmiston, Brian.  Forming ethical identities in early childhood play. Routledge, 2007. The book Forming Ethical Identities in Early Childhood Play aims at understanding the perception and the understanding of poem from historical context and also how kids are replaced to find their societal identities. Overing, Gillian R. Beowulf on gender.  New Medieval Literatures 12 (2010): 1-22. The article gives a brief overview of human geographies which deals with “what,” “who,” “how,” “why,” and “where” of humans and their interrelationships with the environment. The article focuses on the aspects of gender, population distribution and growth, urban growth, and its subsequent decline, cultural differentiation, regional development, the spread of innovations and ideas, and finally the global location of economic activities. The poem depicts women as the weaker race than the men. Thus, despite the great setting, Gillian criticizes the poem based on gender which in turn dictates human identity.

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Forni, Kathleen. Popularizing High Culture: Zemeckis’s Beowulf.  Studies in Popular Culture 31. Thus, the article is very insightful in understanding more about human identity and also the basis of formation of human identities from the ear of Beowulf till date. Throughout the entire article, Forni criticizes Beowulf for the use of high culture to sell products. Kardaun, Maria S. Beowulf and Archetypal Evil.  Psyart (2013). Beowulf wanted to confess what he did, but his friend denied him that chance asserting that he has to hide it in order for his legacy to live. Concealing his true acts depicts not a true legend but rather a coward who is not ready to face his reality. Allison, Scott T. and George R. Goethals. According to Allison and George, heroic motivation is the core variables in enhancing performance, gaining more or enhanced competitive advantage, and also the attainment of the individual’s objectives.

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The hierarchical arrangement of human needs is composed of five levels. People within the same level have the same needs, and hence, they may be facing the same challenges. These challenges range from economic, social and political perspectives. For instance, people eyeing for a political seat get involved in the same group. The social class dictates individual’s identity. Some people view themselves while others regard themselves as entrepreneurs. All these emerge as a result of the social class. In the book, the authors helps us understand how needs hierarchy can be used to motivate heroic performance through a proper understanding of their need or wants. For instance, the need to impress the king’s wife made Beowulf become a hero in Denmark. He did all he can to distinguish himself from the rest.

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His wisdom and nature distinguishes him from the rest. The king and his colleagues have always been interrupted by Grendel during their celebrations. But upon Beowulf first encounter with the Grendel, he notes that the Grendel was hypersensitive. This was a form of differentiation from the rest.  The Concepts of Honour and Revenge in Beowulf and Hamlet. GRIN Verlag, 2011. The book The Concepts of Honour and Revenge in Beowulf and Hamlet, was published in 2015 by Danile Ossenkop. The book explains recent researches on personality and cultural language as a result of human identity in both Beowulf and Hamlet. The book discusses the simultaneous expansion of heritage as an area of concern in both language and identity. As asserted by Allison and George people on the same level in the hierarchy of needs enjoy the same opportunities.

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This helps in understanding how the human beings structural hierarchy is established in the society through the use of existing social classes. Human identity is very vital in dictating human association with others and also the act of self-esteem. Understanding the concepts of human personality is very vital in ensuring organizational success and also the act of self-fulfillment in person’s life. Reference Allison, Scott T. Sayers, William. Hwæt: The first word of the Beowulf poem revisited.  ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews (2018): 1-5. Kardaun, Maria S. Beowulf and Archetypal Evil.

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