Analysis Gender Equality in the US and Kenya

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Social Work

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Also, it implies equal distribution and access to resources between men and women. Gender equality focuses more on the promotion of women’s rights in comparison to men. The main aim of gender equality therefore is to transform the structures of the society which hinders equal power relationships between men and women (Lombardo, Meier, & Verloo, 2009). Realization of this aim is vital for the protection of human rights, a key principle of democracy, rule of law, competitiveness, and economic growth. The consciousness on the equality between men and women has been a central issue to policy formulation and implementation by majority of countries across the globe, both developed and developing countries alike. Gender equality in Kenya Kenya as a large and diversified economy has a population of about 50 million people. Of this population, 50.

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are female. Population is composed mostly of a well-educated and ambitious youths who are ready to contribute to the social, economic, and political development of the country. The Global Gender Gap Report 2017 ranks Kenya 76 out of 144 globally with major inequalities in representation in parliament, health outcomes, education attainment, and involvement in the labor market (World Economic Forum, 2017). The constitution through the one third gender rule has led to the increase in number of women in both county and national government achieved through nomination and election of women representatives. Approaches to Gender Equality in USA and Kenya Gender inequality has been in practice in USA especially when it comes to employment. Over the past few years, key stakeholders in the USA led by the federal government have become conscious and active in addressing gender disparity.

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The American society has taken an inclusive approach as it identifies key themes that need improvement. Firstly is the widespread discrimination against women in the workplace which involves training and opportunities for employment. It appeals for government, religious, and household leaders, and policy makers’ to provide room for social, political and economic justice for women. Secondly, the program touches on issues related to power dynamics and masculinity and champions for both men and boys to transform gender norms and discriminating power structures in the society. Boys, it argues from childhood suffer from superiority complex when it comes to gender expectations thus uphold discrimination and violence against girls. The approach therefore sees men as the beneficiaries and key players in the solution of these challenges affecting the society. Lastly, the program identifies sex, age, and social status as having an impact on the interventions of program.

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Also, the government empowers women through the cash transfer programme where the government remits ksh. to the vulnerable women after every two months. The ministry for gender, children and social development came up with gender policy for equality between men and women. This is done by the department of gender and social services and the National Commission on Gender and Development. Among the key functions of the ministry include promoting gender in national developments, promoting rights of women and their empowerment. The course of campaign brought in feminist slogans like “Yes I am a Girl”. These slogans were pro popularity for Mrs. Clinton. In the event, girls and women became more aware of their rights a fact that has brought in a new dawn for rights of women (Gramlich, 2017). The tenets of MDG’s have also proven vital for the realization of women participation and empowerment.

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Similarities and differences between gender policies in USA and Kenya In both countries, the policies are aimed at elevating the rights of girls and women. Women in both countries are seen to be under the yolk of sexual discrimination and violence. Fear by the sovereign to sign the CEDAW laws slowed down necessary measures for reducing gender inequality. The sovereign who consisted mostly of men were in themselves afraid that empowering girl child would render them equal and may be inferior. The process of women empowerment in Kenya on the other hand has been slowed down by cultural norms and practices. The government only provides minimal input and direction. This is however not the case to Kenya. Policy making in Kenya is fully a government project. The civil society only is only vocal when government takes a wrong direction thus responsible for shaping it.

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Besides, there is mass awareness in United States as compared to Kenya. pewresearch. org/fact-tank/2017/12/28/10-things-we-learned-about-gender-issues-in-the-u-s-in-2017/ ILO. November 23). Gender Inequality and Women in the US Labor Force. Retrieved from https://www. USAID. July 30). Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Kenya | Kenya. Retrieved from https://www. usaid.

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