Application of Quality and Safety Concepts
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Management
This is as the report presented by the IOM (Institute of Medicine) that commends on creating a safer health system. Their statistics indicate that more than 44,000 persons, and possibly as many as 98,000 persons meet their death in hospitals each and every year because of the medical errors, most of which could have been easily stopped. Further studies also show that even the minor preventable medical errors in hospitals surpass related deaths to such great threats as breast cancer, car accidents or even HIV/AIDS. Therefore, IOM suggests that in order to nab such deaths then it is recommended that health centers adopt a safer system. The primary reason for adopting a safer health care system is so as to save lives, and also protect the reputation of the health care centers.
This is a value of up to 29 billion dollars annually. These errors are also expensive with regards to the loss of trust in involved hospitals and its experts. According to Amer (2013), patients who go through disability or a long stay in the centers because of the errors caused by one of the health experts, end up not trusting the particular hospital, and might pay with psychological and physical distress. Taking additional data from the AAONEPQH (American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel on Quality Health) it is clear that they majored on the positive pointers of excellent care; the greater part of which are viewed as delicate to the nursing science (Institute of Medicine (U. S. This makes it easier for things to be at a mess. Additionally, the ways through which health experts are accredited and licensed have concentrated specifically on limited attention on the banning of medical errors, and even these minor efforts have provoked opposition from given health providers and organizations.
Several health providers also identify the medial accountability system as a somber inhibition to methodical struggles to discover and learn from the errors. Aggravating these problems, most third-party acquisitions of health care give minimal fiscal incentive for the health care providers and organizations to upgrade quality and safety of services. Health care system in the US is not as safe as it ought to be. These are the failures of an organized action to be performed as planned or the utilization of a wrong plan to reach a goal. Amid the problems that normally happen during the time of giving health care are harmful medical events and indecorous surgical injuries, transfusions and wrong-are surgery, restraint injuries or even death, suicides, burns, falls, pressure ulcers or even misguided patient identities. Great medical error levels with harsh consequences are most probably to happen in operating rooms, intensive care units and the emergency units.
Therefore, it is imperative of the health care centers to build a safer system that guarantees the patients the good health or treatment that they might be looking for. Further studies also show that even the minor preventable medical errors in hospitals surpass related deaths to such great threats as breast cancer, car accidents or even HIV/AIDS. Different health and nursing organizations like the Institute of Medicine have attempted to portray the quality of prosperity as for the measures (National Roundtable on Health Care Quality (U. S. Initially, these offices depicted quality as the level with which health offices for people and the whole populace builds the possibility of expected health results and is in accordance with introduce nursing knowledge (In Sherwood and In Barnsteiner, 2017). It is this specific implying that is said to have prompted a clarification of quality that appeared to be aides of significant worth pointers, which are components of the paradigms.
Likewise, these standards are not basically with respect to the reasonable bunches or potential outcomes for the markers (Amer, 2013). This will also make these organizations accountable for maintaining safety, offering remedies to implement systems of internal safety thereby reducing the possibilities of errors happening, as well as responding to the rights of the public to understand the what patient safety is all about. The systems of voluntary reporting also serve as the best complement to the systems of mandatory reporting. Voluntary reporting will be based largely on broader set of faults and majorly those which are not so serious, or rather cause minimal damages. This will therefore provide a platform for identifying those problems which can easily be mitigated as well as offering a rich set of information in the effort to foster quality improvements.
With all said and done, there should be laws to protect the confidentiality of such information so as not to land on the wrong hands. The systems to monitor the safety of the patients should also be put in place and financed sufficiently. Evaluation procedure In coming up with the recommendations, it is necessary that a mechanism should be put in place in order to analyse the adverse events which were earlier reported. The mass reports on those events are of no use unless the findings can be put into analysis as well as evaluating the approach used for the purpose of coming up with conclusions on how to curb such errors in the future. In evaluating the four-tier approach, the context, Input, Process, Product Approach (CIPP) evaluation approach is applied to present the findings with respect to the context of patient safety initiatives (Zhang et al.
The formative evaluation used put emphasis on the interests multiple stakeholders which include the patients, providers and organizations. This will ensure that its workforce and procedures are aimed at improving patient safety and service reliability. Safety should always be the priority goal of all the organizations and this is only possible through a strong clinical, administrative and government leadership. References Amer, K. S. Quality and safety for transformational nursing: Core competencies. Institute of Medicine (U. S. Child and Adolescent Health and Health Care Quality: Measuring What Matters. Washington, D. C: National Academies Press. S. Measuring the quality of health care. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. United States. Women with diabetes: Quality of health care, 2004-2005.
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