Uber case study

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

In addition to that, a person is able to know how much their ride will cost before boarding the vehicle. In case a person changes their mind or decides to use other means, they are allowed to cancel the Uber they had ordered. In the case of drivers, Uber taxi allows them to be their own boss and work when they are available (Scott 20). The drivers are allowed to receive tips and they are also paid handsomely for their work. Background Uber was founded in March 2009, by Travis Kalanick and Garret Camp as a taxi service. Identification of key issues The poor performance of Uber taxi service has been associated with poor leadership of the co- founder and former CEO Travis Kalanick. This is the major problem that has been ailing the company.

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When there is poor leadership in a company, everything else down the scalar chain goes wrong. As he started this company, Kalanick had set his mind to surpass every challenge that came his way and this made him develop a free-wheeling culture where he was to win at any cost. He has been disregarding the rule of law and very many lawsuits have been filed against him. The reason for the high turnover is due to the low earnings that are earned by the drivers and no benefits given to them. The key issue that is affecting Uber taxi service is poor leadership. If Kalanick as the CEO did what was expected of him in the right way, things in the company would have turned out much better. The good thing about it is that Kalanick admitted that he is in dire need of help when it comes to leadership.

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Possible solutions Leadership involves influencing people to perform to their level best. Kalanick as the CEO had very poor communication skills and this led to a lot of cases being filed against Uber taxi services and a high turnover within the company. As a manager, an individual should have four types of communication skills that include, being the relator, the socializer, the thinker and the director. An individual should look out for the organizations well-being, its data and tasks, the organizational relationships both internally and externally and the organizational results that go hand in hand with the company’s’ objectives and goals (Williams 72). Proposed solution According to Mintzberg, a manager has ten managerial roles that are subdivided into three groups. The roles of a manager include interpersonal roles, decisional roles and informational roles (Koontz 102).

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In cases where disputes arise such as those of female harassments, the manager as the disturbance handler is supposed to resolve them. He is also responsible for allocation of resources within the organization and as a negotiator to close deals that favor the organization. Recommendations When Kalanick was CEO, things were not going well in the Uber Company. The company should therefore consider hiring someone who understands management and its roles in the year 2018. They should look for someone with a completely different approach of handling human resources and other clients that the company relies upon. K. Williams. Management; a Practical Introduction. McGraw-Hill, 2008. H. Economics of the taxi industry; an Uber shake up. University of Wyoming.

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