BoldFlash Cross Functional Challenges in the Mobile Division

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

As a result there was no collaboration and coordination between these departments. Besides, due to lack of coordination and team work, there were no clear roles set between the departments. The marketing department had conflicting roles with the productive development department. This has resulted to a reduction in the organizations profit since it has failed to produce products that were needed in the market. In light of these chalnages, this study recommends that Roger Cahill who is the new Vice President and General Manager of BoldFlash should adopt a transformative leadership style. How does it impact the organization? • The result was autonomy within each department and a break in the flow of processes due to the lack of collaboration and coordination between the departments.

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The product development department failed to release products that were needed in the market because they did not use the findings of the marketing department about the right products for the market. • Meetings within the different departments and those that were concerned with product development always solved no problems because of lack of structure, discipline and focus. This led to frustrations among the directors especially the head of Market Development, Karl Melzer. • There was lack of team synergy despite the uniqueness of individuals he could see among the employees due to lack of proper communication and clarity of goals and objectives of the product development meetings. • Lack of willingness to take advice from other departments. • Absence of teamwork within the organization.

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• There is a mix-up between the roles given to each department. For example, marketing team notes that as much as they are tasked with the mandate of coming up with new product ideas, the product development team also does the same job • Decisions are made centrally without involving the departmental heads at the organizations locations. How does it affect the organization? • Lack of introduction of creative products that fail to meet the needs of the market. Absence of clearly defined roles The organization experienced a lot of challenges in meeting its goals because of the confusion between the departments of the company. Because of this, majority of the departmental managers failed to take responsibility for various key activities within the organization.

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For example, the sales director Chip Bryant, found it very challenging to find a director with whom they could address the issue of a new product launch. On the other hand, the director of product development Karl also found it difficult to communicate with the sales and marketing departments about product development initiatives. This was because none of the directors wanted to be directly involved in the discussion and instead Karl had to involve the director of Manufacturing Kevin Cheng. Everyone feels part of the leadership and a sense of responsibility is created among different departments (Katzenbach, & Smith, 2015).  In addition, transformational leadership will help in empowering employees to make changes in themselves and realize their full potential. This will help in improving productivity of the employees.

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These are just some of the hidden strengths within this strategy. However, because this involves shifting the whole culture and mindset, adaptation and change of culture may take time. This will help in improving productivity of the employees. Advantages • Opportunity to clear the internal frictions and create a seamless system where the cycle of jobs flows effectively and efficiently Disadvantages • Involves shifting the whole culture and mindset, adaptation and change of culture may take time. Disadvantages • It may take time yet BoldFlash needs an immediate. In summary, of these recommendations, I will chose option one because, shift in leadership will ensure that the long term problem of protectionism among units and internal quarrels that lead to internal company politics which always have an impact on productivity is solved.

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