Buddhism plain and simple
What we don’t understand is that the solution to our problems is always before us. According to Hagen, the truth is that whatever miseries that we are going through are as a result of our actions. It begins from our ignorance and our inability to view things as they are. “Buddhism does not offer a life free of problems” (Hagen, p. Personally, there are conditions which force me to lose my faith by seeking some wretched extremes. When reality hits us hard, we need someone to strengthen our beliefs otherwise one would be left wondering and asking like Gautama, what is the point of life if it is that transient full of uncertainties and suffering? (Hagen, pp 44). As Hagen writes, these forms of questions haunt people to the extent that they cannot enjoy the pleasure of life.
As the book outlines through the 84th problem story, there was once a man who came and narrated his problems, they were 83 in number and to his surprise, and Buddha could not help him solve not even one of them. The fact that the man did not want to have any problem became the 84th problem. In life, I have realized that we everyone wants to eliminate his/her problems, but few are willing to accept the bitter reality that problems will always be with us. In the first part, the author focuses on the basic teachings of Buddha which he labels as “the four truths of existence. ” In this section, he concentrates on explaining the reality of life and how human beings should accept the four truths for the betterment of their lives.
In the second part, he precisely expounds the four truths of existence which are wisdom, morality, practice, and freedom. Here, the writer of the book gives an effective path through which we can comprehend life by accepting and living in the world as it is. In the last segment, he focuses deeply on magnifying the first elements of the effective path. ” The only remedy according to the author is not to view Buddha as a God but as a human being and motivational teacher who is always awake. It is also important to understand that Buddhism is about the desire to see thing as they are instead of expecting hoping, wishing them to go your way. What is difficult for you to understand from the book? Although the book is very inspirational to many readers, there are still drawbacks which complicate the understanding of some individuals like me.
The author explains that Buddha was just a mere religious teacher who “never considered himself to be something other than a human being only someone who was fully awake. ” (Hagen, p. The Christians believe that God is their creator as he first Created man by the name of Adam and a Woman by the name of Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden. Moreover, according to the Old Testament, God is perceived as the source of divine justice which does not apply to the Buddhism. The Christians are thought that there is only one life and once it is over; they will proceed to the heaven where they will live an endless life (Hagen, p. In Buddhism things are completely different, the religion teaches on the endless cycle of birth, rebirth and the concept of reincarnation.
Apart from Christianity, am also familiar with Islamic religion and there is still a difference between the two religions. According to Hagan, “Buddha believed that hatred could not overcome hatred. ” The Christ emphasized on the essence of love through his sentiments “Love your enemy” (Hagen. p. In both religions, they encourage the believers to adopt measures of improving their well-being. They both have a strong devotional element which is characterized by faith.
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