Cardiovascular diseases and work-related risk factors

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Health Care

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The responses are quite varied from one person to the next, and these include functional reactions like tachycardia and anxiety, interactive reactions like over influence in food consumption, drinking, drug abuse, business and even work-related mishaps that may prove lethal. Some reactions tend to be severe and almost fatal, but these effects can be alleviated by taking respites and cussing from work for some time. There are the however specific situation where if one is overexposed to the risk factors, then the restoration of vigor would become difficult and well nigh impossible. This is referred to as accretion of lassitude (Telford and Murphy 2). When it is perpetuated for more extended periods, then the reversing become more difficult, and one may develop cardiovascular difficulties and have very pathetic bodily capabilities.

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Theta refers to the slow process through which the disease develops and grows before it fanny shows itself through some serve signs, or before it is even possible to diagnose it. This, therefore, renders the whole process of establishing the correlations of the causative elements of the presence of the disease quite tricky. The presence of development of CVD may drastically change once one ceases exposure, by either changing office or shifting their jobs, but even the process of reduction is not as certain, and it may only be that the jeopardy and, menace may go on for a couple of years. Causative elects and factors There are quite some risk factors when it comes to CVD. The most common ones included exposure to nicotine and tar, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes insipid/mellitus, inactivity, corpulence and inherited risk factors (Johnstone and Veves 15).

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Some arduous tasks are done away from work, whether it be at home, restaurant or even the theatres may lead to angina in an individual who had a hidden cardiovascular disease that was developed away from the workplaces. There is indeed no specific way of distinguishing and telling one from the other. The elements to be found at job places and away from the areas of occupation may trigger the development of cardiovascular disease, and then a number of these might lead to a specific coronary incident occurring at some point. It is therefore quite difficult in many cases, to cite that the incident or event was caused by a causative factor to be found or related to the workplaces (Landsbergis and Janevic 25).

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Major Risk Factors There are quite many elemental causative factors when it comes to the development and occurrence of a coronary incident. The exposure is also quite prevalent in smokers and less perceptible for non-smokers (Werko 16). Work stressors and psychosocial elements For more than a decade, stressor at work has continuously been highlighted as being a causative factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. The resort a father look not the eared has been quite tricky as it is not easy to openly distinguish between the factors that are to be found at work and those that are to be found at other places. There is a great need to find means to distinguish the psychical factor that are occur [national-based and those that are to be found in other areas.

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Many of the initial research into the matter looked into the occupational stressors, which was mostly assessed depending on the intensity of the exigencies that repaved of the staff and employees. The prices went on to change with time as they declined, but the varied between the highly stressful jobs and the least stressful was shown to grow with time. This simple showed that the work-based disproportions increased with time. There was a nuclear correlation when those with previous historical factors of causative elements like blood pressure and corpulence. However, the study agreed with many others that there were higher rates of ischemia for people with specific jobs as compared to others (Park 43). Prevention and management of Work-based CVD Cardiovascular Diseases profoundly affect many of thawing rooking ages all across the glove.

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