CBT Analysis Workbook Review

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Technology

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However, there is little variation in anger management programs a theme explored deeply by Kassinove and Tafrate. In their epic work a practitioner workbook called,' Anger Management: The Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners', they try to divulge the near seamless association of different anger management programs and their efficacy in calming anger as an emotion. Anger is defined as an emotion that is typified by aggression or antagonisms towards a particular person or thing or event. It is thus a felt emotion state and can be assessed using various tools of cognitive analysis. Kassinove and Tafrate in their work associate anger with a learned emotion that is exhibited by persons privately or publicly (Kassinove & Tafrate, 2002). This has raised a question like, does anger manifests its intensity when one is said to be berserk or extremely annoyed? The other aspects of anger are duration.

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Anger is carried along in episode which lasts differently depending on the subjects in question. It can be in the form of short outbursts which only lasts for a short period. These outbursts are portrayed as the uncontrolled session that may lead to aggravate damage most of the cases. However, some people can hold on to anger for long durations. It rises until it reaches the zenith which indicates a high level of engagement. Beyond this point, it starts to fall slowly to a level where there is little to no performance, and one descended to inattention further and further. This curve gives the capacity that ones can contain the emotion to enhance performance. When the level of emotions is so high, performance degrades significantly. This arousal defines the performance. Therefore cognitive behaviorist attempts to solve anger issue by helping those under these emotions to change their viewpoints of the event leading to arousal.

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It is important thus to learn the anger episode model. This model describes the process that is used to assess a client reception to arousal and thus his or her reaction to anger. It starts with triggers. These are internal or external events which elicit an anger episode. Anger is manifested internally when the clients do not exhibit the anger consciously (Kilduff et al. Indirect expression of anger when covert means of sabotage or unrelated expression of rage are manifested. This culminates in outcomes which are manifested by the client. This model as described by the authors should be laid open for the clients. The clients should thus be made to understand the anger model so that they can be placed in the path of managing it. Having learned the various trigger and appraisals, one is thus able to control the expression of anger and thus control the outcomes.

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This model is thus imperative for any therapists who aim at controlling anger. It is only after the clients have seen and appreciated the anger episodes that e or she is able to control it. Most anger episodes as described are very limiting in performance due to the associated ignorance or lack of understanding of the process. However when it is learned well, their heightened chance of keeping in control and thus ensuring its reduced impact. This indicates the various responses to anger that the client elicits. Self-monitoring tests are another diagnostic tool. By leading the client on a path where they can monitor their response to various triggers, the counselor can be able to determine the anger represent of an individual. Lastly, there is the psychometric testing which measures the trigger response by judging n the various cognitive responses (Veenstra et al.

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One such tests are the STAXI 2 method which has been used widely for this kind of analysis. This involves informing them of the anger episode model (Cherry & Flanagan, 2017). This model gives them a good insight into their anger triggers as well appraisals and responses. This is followed by strategies why should allow them to change. This should show them how to reduce arousal, build social skills and adapt to anger triggers. Thirdly they are taught on how to develop their cognitive abilities. L. Anger in psychological disorders: Prevalence, presentation, etiology and prognostic implications.  Clinical psychology review, 46, 124-135. Germain, C. L. Kilduff, G. J. Elfenbein, H. A. Staw, B.

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