Challenges after the American Revolution war
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:History
This caused economic disruption and sense of alienation by the British Empire on the colonies. The tension between the 13 American colonies and the oppressive British government lead to the revolution war. The war began on April 19 1775 ending seven years later at Yorktown VA in 1781. The end culminated in King George III acknowledgment of the peace contract the Treaty of Paris of 1783 between the British empire and the colonies (Wood, 2011). The revolutionary war kicked off after King George III failed to recognize the American continental congress or its claims on the Crown’s Intolerable Acts as America was the crown’s most valued colonies Following the revolutionary war, the newly independent 13 colonies were faced with new challenges that came with self-governance and determination which eventually played a crucial role in the occurrence of the civil war from 1861 to 1865 (Carp, 2002).
The limited powers bestowed to the central government lead to a weak federal government (Adams, 2001). The government could not levy taxes or even regulation commerce within its territorial borders. The government was so weak to an extent of lacking powers to declare war on enemies. This implied the nation from the vulnerability of being recolonized again by powers such as Britain and France (Carp, 2002). The first America constitution, the Articles of Confederation was written in 1777, effected in 1781 and lasted until 178. The printed-paper currency lacked value backing unlike the gold coin currency used by the continental congress for war financing (Carp, 2002). Moreover, the states started to print their own money thus hindering trade among states. To solve this issue, the Congress deliberately and agreed to adopt the dollar as the accepted national currency (Wood, 2011).
Despite this government directive, some quotas still used private notes creating chaos across the new nation. The revolutionary war ended with a massive destruction of economic resources due to heavy property and human capital loss. During and after the war, the nation faced internal division hindering a united approach and cohesion. During the outbreak of the war with Britain, approximately one-fifth of the colonists remained loyal to King George III. According to Carp, (2002), the “Loyalists” were real threats to the post-revolution climate of the nation. The loyalist undermined the young nation’s America nation peoples and acted as puppets of the Crown after America gained independence. The political polarization and social disunity as well as lack of common national objectives in addressing challenges faced by the young nation threated internal cohesion.
Despite the unity in fighting Britain, the young America nation suffered from lack of national identity and problem of defining the “American people” the revolution had sought to create. The main goal of the revolution was to free the “American people” from the hand of the hostile colonial rule but lacked clear definition of the “American people”. The pioneers, fearing a revival of centralized and monarchical power like the crown of Britain formed a state in which power and belonging were quite long-winded. During the 1790s, lack of a single strong and unified American institutions of power lead the European observers to believe that the Federal union stood no chance of survival while predicting anarchy in the new nation (Watts, 1989). These formidable projections and claims almost transpired during the American Civil war.
The laws also encouraged American Shipping by imposing duties on foreign vessels. It also deliberated on the structure of the executive wing of the government. This lead to the creation of departments of war, state and treasury, (Watts, 1989). The democratic structures adopted at the formative stages of the nation were crucial in creating and developing the democracy roots upon which the great nation of America is based on. As the oldest democracy, the United States of America system of government has been a reference point for other developing democracies across the globe. The power of the state was in the hands of the people. Through the Bill of Rights male and female genders were allowed to stand for political position and seek the chance to represent the people their constituents. Moreover, it led to increased levels of education and employment opportunities for the female gender as they were viewed as equals with the male gender (Wood, 2011).
This positively contributed and continues to make significant economic growth of the economy due to more skilled labour force. The belief of “Republican Motherhood” and struggles led to the formation of Seneca Convention in the 1790s. Republicanism led to the emergence of economic justice by the government. Republicans believe in saving and investment while collected taxes should be used in the right manner. Equitable taxation, tax reduction on the masses as well as providing balanced tax incentives is critical in progressive economy (Wood, 2011 p. United States government was able to raise revenue from its citizens. The ideology of equal opportunities and right to all citizens enhanced equal distribution of income and wealth. P. The first American constitutions: republican ideology and the making of the state constitutions in the revolutionary era. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Wood, G. S. JHU Press.
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