Childrens Dental Anxiety and Uncooperative Behavior

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Computer Science

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It is a painful act which exposes children to discomfort and eventually causes stress. In a foreign environment, where the practice is carried out unprofessionally may lead to children developing some abnormal signs and symptoms. As a result, it has been a subject of matter to physicians and researchers in the field who are focused to ensure appropriate information concerning reactions from various children is provided. Their reactions may facilitate improved of quality dental treatment as well as developing mechanisms to curb the pain. Therefore, information concerning reactions ought to be collected using both qualitative and quantitative scale. This is done to reduce to be spent while contacting surveys. The sample of the population ought to possess the characteristics of the targeted population. In comparison with other methods of data gathering, surveys extract data slightly accurate to the traits of the large population.

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In a scenario where data required is for ascertaining behavioral and emotional signs and symptoms when children are exposed to dental treatment and procedures, surveys will be the most effective because a population is large however with similar characteristics (Rakesh & Meenakshi 2012). Additionally, surveys are cost-effective. For instance, responses made by children during dental treatments and procedures are subject to concern across the globe. Therefore, research is to cover all corners of the world to ascertain similarities and differences in reactions. This can only be achieved through the use of online surveys (Kamila, Lady& Daniel 2017). Information provided will be quantitatively measured in s scale of (0-6). This is to ascertain the level of anxiety among the children when undergoing dental treatment and procedures. How was the experience with the dentist? 5th score.

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Based on the scale designed, it was eminent that children's negative perception towards dental treatment is increasing because of the pain associated with the procedure. Majority especially children on adolescent stage often visit the dentist for a purpose of receiving dental treatment (Gunther 2013). Approximately 80% of children share their experience with dentists as a painful act which makes them afraid of going to the hospital to receive such kind of treatment. Moreover, on a scale of 0-6, I further asked the children questions such as; how often are you injected with painkillers when conducting dental treatment? 5th score. Information obtained through interviews is perceived to be accurate compared to other forms of data collection such as questionnaires. In a light of the fact, the main objective of contacting interviews it so detects individual's perceptions and opinions towards a subject matter.

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Interviews conducted especially through face to face or use of Skype enables the interviewer to analyze emotions of the interviewee and ascertain the message. For instance, in this research, where the need to identify children's responses to dental treatment and procedure, the interview will learn and get information from the children's emotions. This proves that interviews are a suitable qualitative tool for gathering information. Taking a sample population of approximately 80 children, an interview may take approximately 10 years which interferes with the participant's normal activities. Additionally, obtaining accurate statistics through interviews is difficult since the process involves evaluation of opinions and behaviors which poses a challenge when analyzing such data to acquire exact figures. This imposes technicalities in measurements (Rakesh & Meenakshi 2012). Interviews also capture both verbal and non-verbal cues. Communication is a fundamental aspect that enhances understanding for both parties.

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The interview contacted covers questions in the quantitative measurement tools. Therefore, it was eminent that 90% of children experience dental problems when aged between 8 to 20 years. This implies that dental problems are mostly encountered an adolescent stage where body transformation occurs. It is termed as the stage of initiation from childhood to adulthood where milk teeth are replaced by permanent there, hence dental problems during the stage. The discussion also affirms that majority have visited dentists. Data and statistical analysis are essential in the health sector for research. An innovation of assessments tools based on reliability, validity and measurement properties is essential. References Gunther, E. Dental Fear and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

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