Factors Related to Domestic Violence in Pregnant Women
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Computer Science
The researcher then brings the reader to see what the problem is. I would say that the introduction is successful and properly introduces the reader. Review of the Literature The researcher has combined the background information with the review of the literature. This is not a good way to articulate such an important part of a research. However, looking at the contents of the information, the researcher has tried to look for more information that tries to add more weight to the topic of discussion which in this case is the factors that are in a close relationship or are the contributing factors to violence among pregnant women. Critique Any research aims to get information that has not been got from any other person or to confirm study that was carried out earlier.
This, therefore, makes the researcher of any topic to write about the conclusions made from their research. In our journal, the researcher has also made some conclusions regarding the same/ these conclusions are also supported by the previous work that has been carried out in the past. For example in the background information and literature review, the researcher indicates that several cases of domestic violence can be linked together with pregnancy. This was found in some areas like Santiago among many others (Coutinho et al. This means that the chances of the people conducting research being beaten up and other forms of insult is also high. Informing nursing practice This study helps the nursing practice as it may inform more on how to handle pregnant women. In the area of counseling of patients and maternity clinics, the nurses will be able to advise the patients on what is happening to their body (Coutinho et al.
It may also call for more research to be carried on how to reduce the number of violence cases among the pregnant women. Qualitative research: women’s mental health during pregnancy B1 Qualitative Article: (Indicate primary evidence chosen with an APA citation) Background or Introduction The background of this research starts by giving a brief history of what has been known to happen in British public health. Moreover, there has been the suggestions of the recommendations related to the research. Critique Just like any other research, the conclusions that the researcher has found out should be in line with all the work that has been included in the essay. When we look at the background information, the main point and issue that is taken into much consideration is the study problem (Franks et al.
We find that the conclusions of the researcher are also based on the study. The literature review of this study contains more information regarding the topic. The study was not fully participatory as the participants only provided data and since the study was conducted as a bridge between professional and community knowledge. It was not able to meet those expectations due to the use of qualitative analysis that based priorities on the participants' language (Franks et al. Informing nursing practice This evidence informs the nursing practice by giving the developments that need to be carried out to support women in their mental health during the pregnancy period. It also gives protection to children who are the future of this generation from being neglected (Franks et al. References Franks, W. Chaves, C.
Nelas, P. Amaral, O. Factors related to domestic violence in pregnant women. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171, 1280-1287.
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